depressing thoughts
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Dear Mother,
You ask if I’m alright, always expecting a simple ‘I’m alright’, or ‘I’m fine’.
And that’s what you get, because that’s what you expect and I know that so it’s okay.
Don't do it
So you aren't perfect after all
No one asked you to be
Neither am I
Neither is he
Neither is she
We all have a purpose
Find it
Lets make a difference
The young quiet girl with baby blue eyes,
I see her in school,
I see how she hides,
But hides what I dont know.
The young quiet girl who never did speak,
I see her get bullied,
It’s like being trapped in a dark tunnel.
You are cold.
With nobody to keep you warm,
As they wrap their arms around you.
You are alone.
Nobody is there for you;
Nobody ever was.
I cannot touch you
Not physically
Yet emotinally and mentally I manage to do.
You're so far away
But so close to me
I tell you goodnight at the end of the day.
I wish I we could meet