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Stand here upon the snow and frost, Remember and cherish that which has past on. Breathe in the cold chill of winter's dawn, And be reborn from the ashes of grief, Into a crystalline snowflake of beauty.
  Dear Snowflake,   oh Why Did you Leap from the Clouds, my Dear Tiny angel? Were you tossed For being cursed with an icy
I saw duke's campaign just the other day, and learned alot of reasons for words we shouldn't say " I don't say man up because I don't believe in gender norms" MAN UP! YOU'R A BOY!
I feel like I am falling out of the sky,  down from the highest point. But there are always higher places. and lower.    I am sinking into a world that is too hot and crowded.  
Many are aware  That snowflakes are lone of a kind.  But countless would spare 
Being in love is drenching yourself in gasoline and giving the significant other the match and trusting them not to drop it
I wish I chose my words more carefully that night. I take all this time to plan but one can never get ready for this,man. I spoke from the heart instead of my head I forgot that my heart has always been dead.
I like to think of our relationship as a tree that grew with love. But, it was injured as a sapling but it kept growing on our love and we kept placing more pressure on the break.
I missed her for the way she would draw her backward As to the way she would walk with her subtle thighs not saying much to the world but letting me know she's my girl
I want go back in time and be in love again. I want to go back in time and give you a hug again. I want to go back in time watch you smile. I want to go back in time and stay for a while.
-You may have broken in. Your thought is within.
-I love how we hide important things from each other and try to live in the moment of pure bliss.
-I think of you when I am weak, I think of you when I am strong, I wonder if you think about me at all.
-I wish you were in my arms where nobody can do you harm. Because we're pretty cool even though you drool.
-Can you really trust me because I can't trust myself. Can I really handle you or do I just put you on the shelf.
-I hate that you make me jealous. I despise that you know how to make me jealous,
-Tourquoiste amber in her eyes open me to a new world where herI alwyas comply. Her shirt toys with and around me tempting are her breasts
-I can see that you're keeping things from me but I don't want to know why it is but eventually I'll wonder if it is my biz.
    We still can't communicate                                              
-You only like me Because I was your first body But your fondness will fade
-When I write you poetry, It makes the poet in me Think of you as the figure of affection
-She makes me feel happy again Whenever I hold her hand. I often remenisce
Leave me to hate another day.   Where I will be proud to say, You were not only my girl, But the prettiest in the world.   Leave me so I can hate again
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