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Silence is not a sin
It can be very difficult to hold within
Lived by nature, what a beautiful bliss
Noise occur then we wonder what we miss
Sounds may be obnoxious
Where did you see it,
It ran off just moments ago,
I really wish it wouldn't flit.
and unfortunately it isn't slow
Is it down the street?
Through the park?
On the bus seat?
Hiding in the dark?
I can't say one thing!
Not one damn thing, without you criticizing me!
Just shut up!
You ask what I mean,
I mean Im Fed Up!
You push me for my 'own good',
Teachers should be our friends.
We should look up to them,
Envy them,
Respect them,
And most importantly we should listen to them.
What is so hard about that?
She's diabetic,
but you call her fat.
So she starves herself and ends up in the hospital.
You call him a fag for crying.
His mom just died from cancer.
Everyone thinks they know everything.
Living like life is short
Almost always gets you in trouble
Untimely action gives timely punishment
Goodly action gives strange rewards
Having strength to speak plainly often does little for you
Don't listen if you don't want to hear.
Don't watch if you don't want to see.
You find pain amusing?
I'll push you down a flight of stairs.
Hear me laugh.