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There has been a monster in the mirror
Her stormy gray eyes
Flicker with fright
Yellow chipped teeth
Hide behind paper thin lips
Ghost like skin
With veins so blue
Wrapped around a frame
Beer bottles flood the floor
Bricks bruise my sunk-in face
Fake smiles hide the pain
Hammer flying towards her face
Murderous screams attack the air
Agony, shaking, hunger pains
All of the pain comes flooding back
As my memories attack
Angry tears fall from my eyes
As I hear your distant cries
Do you know what it's like
To be an outcast
Caught somewhere between
Wanting to fit in
But not will to be
One of them?
My eyes are getting heavy
My body’s falling asleep
But my mind keeps on reaching
For a truth I cannot see
It’s out there somewhere so far away
Or is it in my chest so close to home?
Doesn’t give a damn
Isn’t afraid to cry
Isn’t always there
Isn’t always perfect
I force down another bite
Pack on another pound
My friends push me to the edge
“You’re pretty, but much to skinny.”
So I eat and eat and eat
Not because I’m hungry
But ashamed of what I’ve become
quite {doesn't} mean(s) crazy
crazy {doesn't} mean(s) distance
distance {doesn't} mean(s) make believe
make believe {doesn't} mean(s) fake
fake {doesn't} mean(s) makeup
makeup {doesn't} mean(s) sexy
Let’s pretend for a moment,
Let’s say I like you, and you like me
We fall in love, A life of simplicity
Hush little baby don’t say a word
Or daddy’s gonna shoot you like a mocking bird
If that little wound don’t hurt like a bi*ch
Daddy’s gonna abandon you on a roadside ditch
I’m throwin' my hand in
I’m done with your games
Don’t care if the next one’s
Cause I’m tired
Of the cold hearted
It’s gettin' kinda old now
A player
I can never love you
Because you hurt me
One too many times
But I will always love you
Because at one time
You were mine
And I was yours,
Or so I thought
You never told me
A Sharpie hanging in the air
Taunting me from your fingertips
Just the knowledge that it’s there
Is enough to put me on edge
You laugh as I slip it from your hand
Knowing I just let you lure me in
Most girls dream of being prom queen
I dream of being asked to prom
Most girls dream of true love
I dream of a simple happiness
Most girls dream of living in a mansion
I dream of living in house without wheels