Beauty Hope Life Love Spiritual

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As a child the feeling of never being alone, having a veiled knowledge of God, I had yet to be shown.   Always protected, feeling safe and secure.. knowing somehow the trials of life, would
  No stain no smudge no worldly wrong Can silence the sound of childrens song No Power of money nor chains of might
Life What is it Why do we exist  Why is there pain Living this life with much to lose and nothing to gain  I've contemplated what life is  And for the most part, I don't understand it
Life What is it Why do we exist  Why is there pain Living this life with much to lose and nothing to gain  I've contemplated what life is  And for the most part, I don't understand it
There is a sound that everybody knows There’s a wave in the wind, someone who is heavy, brawny, grows There's a story lurking, largely lengthy, hardly told
Even if she got hurt,
Possession of dualistic spirit. A split of who you were before, and after. Before, smiles crept across your face Simply for the fact that there did not have to be a “good enough” reason For a genuine grin.
It starts with a whisper And moves to the whistling of the wind Shattered glass scattered on the floor An open door that knows you’ve sinned
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