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You're so pretty!
Your face is beat!
Oh my God! You're hilarious!
I love compliments. Conceited much?
No. I'm quite Precarious.
Social media is a soul-sucking succubus.
How is that for consonance?
We are all just internet personalities.
THe generation could use some resistence.
Profile pictures are petty portrayals.
I had only awakened only to see the one
I have been so desperately and passionately
Been waiting to embrace,
To let known as it has always seen
Not as it has always been perceived
I cant stand missionaries
No let me rephrase that
I cant stand the idea of it
Cultural oppression at its finest
The idea that you are right
And therefore everything else is wrong
Tell them it’s not me.
Tell them it’s not me anymore.
Tell them I’m not quiet,
That I’m not shy,
That I’m the one they should adore.
Tell them they don’t know.