Alexander Pope
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When i was stumbling
in the dark,confused
and crying out for help,
this friendly fellow seemed amused:
And while i fought like anything
to keep the candle lit
he cheerfully reviewed
‘True wit is Nature to advantage dress’d’Then he with wit has not been blessed,For Nature gifts are not bestowedOn those behaving like a toad.
‘To err is human; to forgive, divine’But how can one forgive the swineWho promises and then deceivesTo drain the swamp but keep the thieves?
‘When mischief mortals bend their will’To “tax reform” upon The HillWe see with growing deja vu‘The madness of many, for the gain of a few.’
‘The never-failing vice of fools’Pride drives the man to break the rules.Just when he thinks he has it allGuess what goes before the fall.
‘A little learning’s a dangerous thing’In one pretending to be king.Tweets for which he’s oddly famousExpose him as an ignoramus.
To Confront someone about a problem
Is something people must take solemn.
Futile, I know my efforts may be in vein
but I intend to undertake and let my words reign.