' 'pain'
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I wake up to another day,
A smile on my face, the pain locked deep inside,
Where I know that it is safe,
I see everyone around me,
They all look so happy,
I'm trapped inside my head,
My dreams are dark,
My moods are depressing.
I feel so distressed amidst all of this,
I feel haunted when I lay to bed,
I feel disturbed when I'm wide awake,
No peace for me on both ends,
is such a funny thing
empty out the stomach
allow both ears to ring
a death wish
is so useful
How can I tell you that you have shaped every part of who I am?
How could you possibly know that I am who I am because of you?
That I have watched your every move since the day that I was born.
i am my poetry
every line, every stanza is the story of me
you can feel my pain
rhyming to help keep me sane
is the technique to make life make sense
I see your confusion and
Your delusions
Your tears, falling, falling
Without reason
I see your smile, overwhelming your face
Don't hide, find me, let's embrace
You write the words
He wrecked me
Broke me down piece by piece
Through our laughs
Our love
Our fights
Our long nights
Our pain
Our joy
Our hopes
Our plans
He destroyed each part of me
I've done all the drugs,
Yet I've never been high.
I'm always down.
I can't seem to grow.
And the more I take,
The less I know.
Still, I know what I need,
Dear Cancer,
You’ve made me grieve
You still make me cry
I’ve shed tears into my pillow at night till’ my eyes were puffy and burnt out
Dear Abigail,
You have been my best friend for several years,
but nothing can soothe unrequited love.
When I came out to all the people important to me,
things still did not happen the way I wanted.