Poems from mjameson252

I am a simple girl, who loves hair dye and God. I love music and dancing, theater and laughing. I'm always writing, reading, or singing, and I amstill waiting for that special boy to take my heart from me and give me his in return. I love my family, and I have survived through really hard years of depression and eating disorders, so my past poems are really upsetting. But I won't apologize for them. I am pretty quiet when people first meet me, but I tend to grow louder the more you get to know me! Feel free to chat with me, I'm very friendly!
I really should be writing notes right now
Because in a few days I’ll need to know these things
But why?
To get a good grade.
To get a...
I was a Junior in high school,
In my second semester.
I was taking 2 AP classes, Algebra 2, French 2 and two other “easy” classes....
Keep my gaze down,Headphones glued in my ears.Smile at the right moments.Do the right moves, say the right lines,And no one will ever...
Beep Beep Beep Beep BeepWake up ugly, here's anouther day to be made fun of.What is that on your face?Anouther pimple?Well it'll have to...
Every morning, people stand in front of the mirror.
Covering up the smallest flaws,
Silently screaming from...