Poems from meganluttinen

Hi! My name is Megan Luttinen and I am 19 years old. I am a sophomore at Oakland University. I adore reading and writing and I want to be a teacher when I graduate. Poetry is really important to me and I hope you like my work!
Wish I could attack you
With long kisses.
Wish I could maul you
With tight hugs.
Wish I could smother you
With my endless affection.
Wish I...
You're too busy for her
She's too busy for you
He doesn't have enough time
You can't make it today
We go out to lunch but
All you do is...
Who can resist
the charm of little girls?
With their sweet smiles,
their frivolous curls.
Faces so young
and innocent.
Sweet dispositions...
Slashes all along her cheek
Make her spirit and pride weak.
She hides behind a mane of hair,
because she is afraid people will stare.
People judge
by the mirror's expectations.
They don't look
inside with appreciation.
Maybe people aren't
always outwardly beautiful,