Poems from lgmena

Freshman in college in Minnesota. Born and raised in L.A, California!! Majoring in English and planning on becoming a writer. I want to help people through my writing.
Your silky white strands always neatly combed
Tied together by a black rubber band
Today, today was different
Your white silky strands...
The door slams
Jose Cuervo and tobacco fill the air
A yellow vase with white tulips crumbles with fear
The shiny silver lamp, no longer a...
Love. One word; one simple word. A word that can mean many things, but at the same time can mean nothing. Love brings joy yet secretly...
*Read from left to right.*
Emotions held in
Hand on door
Tears on the floor
Love no more
Ink on lines
Worthless heart
Open brain
Delicate yet stable, precious like a pair of diamonds. Hues that immediately capture the eye; colors that leaves one blind. How can...