Poems from kenyajones99

My careers
Early childhood education teacher
Speech pathogloist
My favorite movies Freedom writer's and Poetic Justice
Need in in my life having a son and daughter
The Love of my LIFE is Hugo
Santa Monica College
Age 19
yes baby fever
We got this problem that effect's people cross the globe.
Kids, teens and even adult's can be victims of bullying.
Bullying starts when...
I am who I am not who you think I am.
Not who you want me to be.
I am a sister
I am a daughter
I am a cousin so much more.
I am a...
I was not sure which scared me more, the fact that he
wanted to explore the depths and understand me or
the I am willing to let him....
" Maturity comes when you stop making excuses and
start making change". You are responsible for your life.
If you don't change, you don...
All I want to do right now is cry and scream and let it all
out because it is killing me inside, having a rough day?
Place your hand...