Poems from jillian.hering

High School Student who needs help for college funding and loves to write about anything and everything!
Sometimes we dream so much that we lose touch on our reality. The lines between what we desire and what we need blurs. It's sad if you...
Music is what gets us high school students through the day. Pretty much everyone has earbuds in their ears and the music cranked up....
Well, this is just a phase. High school in general. Were in this phase where high expectations and pressure stress us out. We don't know...
` Sh adow. Follow me every step of the way,
from young to old, night and day.
Watch me make mistakes and over come struggle,
There once was a Humpty,
With the last name of Dumpty.
Dressed in fine, red silk with a golden crown upon his head,
He was the worst king...