Poems from depressingpoetry-partinfinite

depressingpoetry-partinfinite's picture
Hi there! Most of what I do has repetition in it. Like, a lot of repetition. I mostly write short horror/suspense stories, but I've recently taken a shine to dark poetry. I've also managed to orchestrate a full length novel, but it's still in the editing process. A long, long editing process.
Refresh- 15 likes Refresh- 30 likes Refresh- 40 likes You smile.   A few people clap. Then a few more. Finally, the whole class is...
Hell, to me, is monotony. A never-ending rigorous schedule with no end in sight.   Hell is never living up to ridiculously high...
At night, The world Is black and white, All muted colors And devoid of light. At night, Noises are louder, Bumps are brighter, Scrabblings...
Twirling Playful Dancing and jumping. Refreshing Racing Dashing through the leaves. Spiraling Spirited Crashing and slamming. Rushing...
Icy tendrils extend over my eyes, freezing them shut with cold darkness. There is no light.   Spindly fingers entwine around my neck,...
