Poems from depressingpoetry-partinfinite

depressingpoetry-partinfinite's picture
Hi there! Most of what I do has repetition in it. Like, a lot of repetition. I mostly write short horror/suspense stories, but I've recently taken a shine to dark poetry. I've also managed to orchestrate a full length novel, but it's still in the editing process. A long, long editing process.
The whisper of cloth Followed by a dull thunk— Siting down. The flutter of paper like a butterfly’s wings; Clicks of pens like gunshots....
I. Throughout my years of unstandardized history classes, I’ve been taught about Columbus And Vespucci And John Smith.   I’ve been taught...
After the NAMI meeting organized by my family, AKA the GSA club, We, My friends, Stood in a circle behind the refreshment table— Which was...
I. When she was ten The first zits Appeared on her face While her friends continued to bask In their childhood glow. Small and pink, Barely...
Walking in summer is swimming, legs cutting strokes through mid-afternoon heat and humidity. Dappled shade on the sidewalk an oasis for...
