Poems from breemk
I am not a pink bloom
With its free-spirited nature
Nor am I the alluring red
I am a white rose
Many have made attempts
To inject me with...
I am of the youth
One with such a small voice
But though I cannot cast a ballot
I can still scream, and think like any other
I still have...
Counting the breaths bursting from my lips
Trembling, remembering
Thoughts a riptide rushing, screaming at me
Cry out to...
Destiny is woven
You have become
Part of my life
Embroidered in my tapestry
Casting vibrant color on my world
Altering state
A chamelon...
I knew at that moment
All I had to do was reach
But my silly mind
Filled me with worries
About how irrational I was being
Yet my heart...