Poems from XXcellence

Hello I am Xxavier Robertson. I am a Sophomore management and film and production major. I am very artistic, ambitious and abstract, but in a good sense. I do not like unnecessary busy work, but work that will help me cultivate skills that will take me to where God wants to put me and mold me into the person God wants me to become.
Without filters I fear for my mind
and the tricks it plays on itself all the time
Without filters in which I see the world
My eyes would...
Abstract Is what I desire
What I admire
About the world
Loving each other like when boy meets girl
Or when Girl Meets Guy
Love catches the...
Inhale Xxhale
Here I go again
trying to leave something more than a footprint
Inhale Xxhale
Here i lie again
Loving the predicament that...
There are millions and billions trapped in a tunnel
Trapped in society's idea of and stuck in a funnel
of cliche's mediocrity and C'est la...
Xxasperated Irritated
Feeling the need to be Elated
Want to be liberated
Trying to fascilate it
Trying to Spread my wings
Striving to...