Poems from TamingOfSeaWolves
Just your typical geek. If you care to look deeper though...You can see the layers I have created. The worlds I call my own live in my imagination. Creating riddles and poems and lives and characters to become and get lost in. No one knows me, or at least the me behind the blinds. PLEASE COMMENT instagram=tamingofseawolves
I reached for you.
and in the darkness,
I was unaware that you,
were the monster I feared.
Now, I do not fear monsters.
I fear ignorance.
I have tried in a desperate manner
to be all you want me to.
capable of love.
capable of fun.
but I am not.
you may dream of fun times on...
daily dose,
of disapointments.
i'm a rose,
covered in poison.
don't you know?
oh look, a demon.
Twas hell I owed
and I saw my reflection.
I'm fractured, my love.
by my daily interactions.
every hello slips through my fingers like water.
a bit of it stays with me, of course
Yeah I wanna sleep.
But it ain't that simple.
I got briars in my eyelids,
and my demon holds a whistle.