Poems from TamingOfSeaWolves

Just your typical geek. If you care to look deeper though...You can see the layers I have created. The worlds I call my own live in my imagination. Creating riddles and poems and lives and characters to become and get lost in. No one knows me, or at least the me behind the blinds. PLEASE COMMENT instagram=tamingofseawolves
I found a box in the attic,
It was covered in dust.
It's label said "Dreams,
I'd been forced to give up."
I collapsed to the floor.
As old...
My darling,
You make broken look beautiful.
And tears look like crowns.
The shards of your heart.
Are a weapon, no doubt.
You don't have to...
You gave me wings, and broke them.
Then begged me not to fly.
you might not have caged me.
but you taught me not to try.
I watch the wendigo,
Who walks through the stream.
I talk to him daily,
Before I go to sleep.
A cardboard cut out
A want-to-be,
Of a down-to-earth
Just a bit more in touch,
With reality.
Can't handle day-to-day.