Poems from Savannah And Beyond

Las Vegas senior at the College of Southern Nevada High School, going to Dixie State University next year :) As much as I love writing I want to grow up to be a mechanical engineer, or anything because I really haven't made up my mind. No matter what, I believe in following your dreams!
Summer is approaching, day by day
and with everyday that comes to a close
I sense the hours breaching my soul.
Hour by hour, the...
I looked around
just to see
bits and pieces
of me
scattered about
the cold hard
I really used
When I catch your sight
there's more to me than meets my height.
It truly is what I've become
that my parents always feared...
Somedays I want to run and hide. Somedays I want to proclaim my life. It's somedays I feel I'm loosing my mind and other days it's all...
She isn't hopeless
She isn't worthless
She isn't mediocre
She isn't ugly
She isn't alone
She knows this.
She feels hate
She feels shame...