Poems from Laugh2595

My name is LAUGH, I am a Spoken Word Artist representing Hartford, Ct. I started writing around 9th grade I am a student of the Lyricist Self Suffice, I consider him my Sensei. I am a radio show host, where I promote artist and blast Positive Hip Hop music, in Central Connecticut State University where I am a Freshmen at the moment. I mostly perform at Open Mics, had mini breaks here and there. I am a future teacher, a future philosopher, idealist, and much more.
Wish Someone Taught me, How To Save a Life
11:00 AM
It starts from a little bit of devastation...
Then the addition of guilt...
I need to see You.
I need to hold You.
I need to hear You say everything is going to be alright.
I need to feel Your hands and head on my...
The Sky speaks to him with its Soul.
Telling him to speak the stories untold,
For those who were never able to be heard-
Because he is the...