Poems from Kyle's_Allegory

I grew up in the Piney Woods of East Texas down a red dirt road which felt like in the middle of no where as a kid. My summers were spent walking creek banks through the forest and swimming in ponds. We did not have cable or satellite so I spent most of my time in the outdoors which I feel played a big role in my ability to open up and connect with nature. I prefer to write outdoors, my mind tends to run freely with deeper and more meaningful thoughts. As Ive grown older I seem to make more and more excuses as to why I am too busy to write, which is a bad thing because its an outlet for me. List of my favorite Poets: Charles Bukowski, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, and many more.
The love we shared ran deep, I find myself wanting to stay asleep
Id chase the sun if I knew that you were there waiting for me
Burns to...
Took another step lower
As always trying to find that empty comfort
What is he looking at, through those dust covered shades?
The trees...
What if I were to give my passion to thee?
Unbound the chains to these iron gates and watch it flee,
Overgrown with vine and darkness I...
Would you walk with me in the evening sun?
Through the hardwoods as they give way to the fall.
Lean into me under this canopy of color.
The hardwoods cry in color this time of year
As the sun sets an owls call from within the deep hollow can be heard clear
There is no path...