Poems from Edriona18

I am an aspiring psychologist, and writer. I am a huge advocate of civil rights,feminism,LGBTQIA rights and expressing love rather than hate and bigotry to others. I express myself through poetry and other forms of writing, and have a love for more romantic and personal poems. I tend to write about topics close to home.
Love. Quite silly isn't it? You can't help who you love yet find yourself attracted to her.. oh how sinful. I bet God is staring down...
Darling,I find myself wishing nothing but good health and spirits for you. Yet I'm plagued by this sudden worry. You're gorgeous,sweeter...
The Birch Tree In The Storm
I love the way you exert yourself, a beauty driven out of confidence the way you hold yourself unlike others...
They say I'm confused. But they wouldn't question themselves if they were in love.They say, I'm going through a phase, But I would be...
I was born a girl, I was born black.
I was born to be someone I'm not.I was told I must fit within society's coloring book by staying in...