Poems from August Forster

August Forster's picture
My name is august Forster. I am 16 years of age, and i live in Ruidoso, New Mexico. At the age of 13, I started writing short stories. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with an extreme case of depression. I self- harmed for over 2 years.During this time I fell in love with poetry.I started writing about my feelings and my thoughts, soon i put them into poems. I have written over 45 poems in the last 7 months. Poetry was a medicine that wasn't prescribed to me, and one of the only ones that worked.I put power into my poems, make them mean something,and they all connect to me.I feel like some of my poems could change the way someone is to see another for the good.I am currently looking for scholarships and money for college. I hope that you enjoy my poems!- August Forster
August Forster written:8/19/16 What you don't know I look at you, but you don’t know that i am.you prabably dont even know that i exist,...
August Forster 11/10/16 Do or Die   Open heart, do or die?   Unpleasant screams,   Past to cry.   Dream on,old news.   Heart broken,missing...
August Forster Written: 8/30/16 What you are to me   Whisper in my ear    And hear my sorrow cries,   What you have to say   Cuts me deep...
August Forster Written: 8/12/16   Our World and Our Future   The world is na beautiful but evil place. There are things that can’t be...
