Poems from Andriel The Poet

My name is Gabriel AKA Andre Baez...
I'm a young man searching for himself and finding him within the words and stories of the world.
Allow me to share excerpts of myself with you.
We met up and we went out,
I listened to every word
from your mommas mouth,
I knew then she'd be the one,
The one I would live with,
Every grain of sand fallen,
Is an eternity.
Sand better off lost. No matter the pitfalls.
My brother was forced from home
I tried to ask, "why?"
The seeds of our love were sown
I received no reply
A bit of my soul has died and so...
She lost all sense of love
As she still weeps from the memories.
When she lost her womanhood
In a whirlwind of helplessness and blood....
The sun was shining bright
The morning he was alive
The sun suddenly set
At the time the soldier died
The grass all around
Is crimson with...