Poems from Alyshia14

I am currently a Junior in high school with the hope to go to college at UND. My passion is competitive speech, I love writing and performing; getting up in front of people is just a whole different feeling and I love it. Some activities I am in are Speech, FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America), Skills USA, Drama, and SADD (Student Against Destructive Decisions). I love being a leader and help others. Out of school I spend time baking, reading, studying, and hanging out with friends.
When I think of you,
Ah, I can barely believe it is true.
From the moment we met,
I could see there was something.
But could never tell...
As I lie in bed,
With a pillow under my head;
Being me,
No one can see,
So what can I be?
Making decision,
Is like making crucial...
He feels all our pains
Which run through the veins
Of everyone.
Everyone who lives.
Lives in His name.
And follow his word
He died on...
You say it's better not to know.
It won't get out the window.
I'll never tell,
Until you ring the bell.
The bell of permission.
As I sit on the porch at two a.m.
Staring at the stars glistening in the sky.
Like diamonds on a wedding ring.
It makes me wonder...