But You're Young
The Fibromyalgia Fun Pack!
Includes, widespread pain, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety,
muscle spasms, cognitive or memory impairment,
chronic fatigue,insomnia,
But you can help cure it today for only…
Wait you’re here for arthritis? Oh thats in the main room
And yeah I just walk like this I-
I know they don’t mean to be mean but,
I just can’t help but feel a little bit jealous
that we’re searching through everything else with a fine tooth comb overzealous
and I'm just here looking for my pins and needles in the haystack with nothing else to do but
"What's wrong with you?"
I'd rather hear those words a million times
and over again
Than be stared at
just like an animal in the zoo.
Because I'm human!
All over the fact that I don't look sick.
But the validity of a disability
Shouldn't have anything to do with visibility
I shouldn't’ have to prove to you that I
I'm late again
As I sit down in my desk you turn,
You ask why I'm never marked late
As if it were your business
I don't even know you!
I get extra time, I have a 504 for Fibromyalgia I explain.
And I get a stare almost as blank as your paper
Lucky? I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy
I stand up to turn on the light
and I'm lightheaded.
To try to balance out the blunt unfairness,
I write letters to leaders to try to raise awareness
So like my joints, my pen goes