You are you.
Are you who you want to be right now?
Not the most perfect you ever but right now.
Are you, right now, the you that you want to be right now?
The you that you are right now
is exactly the you that you need to be
right now.
If you want to be a better you later
Then the you that you are right now
Is telling yourself you want to be better,
So the right now you is right.
The right now you is the perfect you
That you can be right now
To be the best you.
Be the you that you are now.
The you now is just getting started.
The you of tomorrow is on their way
So enjoy the now you and be excited for the tomorrow you.
You can be whatever you that you want to be.
Will the you tomorrow be a better you?
Was the yester-you worse?
You are ever changing and unstoppable.
Be your best you now.
Be your best you tomorrow.
You were your best you then and will continue to be.
The only way to be a wrong you is to not be you.
You cannot be another you so you cannot be the wrong you.
Embrace your ever changing you.
Every you you have been
Or will be is a great you.
You are you
And this you is great.
This you is loved.
This you deserves love.
This you is powerful.
This you is capable of any change.
You are perfect in your ever changing you.