You Are Not Perfect
Of course you are not perfect,
but why do you fret?
There are many more important reasons
to find yourself upset.
You could be greedy, coniving, full of deceit,
turning a blind eye
to those sleeping on the streets.
You could be judgmental, impolite, or cruel.
You could tear others down
and use it for your own ego's fuel.
You could be lazy, oblivious, careless,
making mistakes and expecting others
to clean up your own mess.
But you are non of these things,
and instead are full of so much good.
So explain to me why you degrade yourself
about your body and your food?
Who even cares about
the skin skinfolds your body shows,
considering the vast amount
of wisdom you know?
No one is paying attention
to the size of your arms
because they are much too enthralled
but the size of your heart.
You are so loved
not for the shape of your waist,
but for all of your efforts
to make this world a brighter place.
It is the kindness you selflessly dole out
that makes you so worthy,
not whether your figure
is perfectly trim or voluptuously curvy.
Oh, how much you have
to offer those you meet,
and oh how little they will care
about the kinds of foods that you eat.
You do not have value as a person
because you do not have flaws,
but because you graciously provide love to others
without condition or clause.
You are not perfect,
but it is not your flaws we are seeing;
it is how you are applying your body,
not how that body looks,
that makes you a worthwhile human being.