Shakespeare once said that “it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
But he couldn’t predict the empty nights laying in bed wishing you were next to me.
That if I never met you, I wouldn’t have known the joys of feeling happy, truly happy.
Beneath my fingertips was the familiar sensation of you.
I never dated a boy with facial hair before.
I didn’t believe what Shakespeare had to say because I think I would have rather not known what it was like to love someone truly and deeply as I did you.
But without you, I wouldn’t have experienced a more truer, surreal sensation than having you there when I woke up and there when I went to bed and there when I was on the floor crying.
I don’t write many poems about positive love, but you’re all I can write about.
You’re the only thing I want to know the rest of my life.