Word Vomit and a Reader's Digest
Words climb against my larynx
and punch at my mouth,
but I screw my lips shut
and force myself to swallow this alphabet
lump in my throat.
Thousands of letters and punctuation marks
tumble into my stomach and boil
with gastrointestinal acids
and my fear of speaking up.
Double, double, toil and trouble,
suppression burns and my body bubbles.
I cannot contain these As, Bs, Cs –
commas, periods, apostrophes
find each other to form sentences –
rising and prodding my lips apart
until I throw them all up
onto pages of lined notebook paper –
a poem.
Heaving, spewing, hurling, gagging
on feelings
manifests into pieces of myself,
images of the past, present, and future,
a means of expression
and intention,
of emptying pain and my worry stew.
Wordsworth, Whitman, Rilke, Plath reveal
beauty in contemplation and
confession of the self –
and I vomit more Is, Ms, Es,
more poetry, more poetry.
I float in Yeats’ Lake Isle of Innisfree,
and tread through Frost’s woods.
I ride on Dickinson’s carriage,
and sit in Bishop’s waiting room.
Their words I digest –
making myself full and brave again
on poetry. Like Eliot’s Prufrock, I now ask,
“Do I dare?”
Pen in hand, blank page below,
I dare.