The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – volume 1
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 1 of the Book titled – The Womb ( 250 pages ) . A flurry of poetic concoctions dedicated to the ever-pervading woman and mother. Profoundly saluting her love, compassion and resolute grit as she evolves a diminutive infant into a powerhouse of talent, into a complete individual. The poems in the collection are humble salutations to the essence of Parenthood, to the unbelievable depths of sacrifice that a mother resorts whilst bringing up her child right since its inception in the womb. Each poem reveres the 'godly womb' as the source of all creation that has ever been. This book in itself is the most befitting tribute to the agonizing odysseys of parents as they nourish their children-and children as they grow up as the most powerful angels of God to stupefy all humanity with their inherent charm. A quintessential read for every parent or parent to be, it brings out the charm of creation since the very first breath. The verses within bountifully poeticize every unbridled mischief of a child with its beloved parents.
6. WOMB.
A garden of voluptuously endless scent; sprouting into a bountiful maze of tantalizing color and vibrancy; every unleashing minute of the panoramic day,
A fortress of unflinchingly impregnable solidarity; tirelessly inspiring one and all of her compassionately gregarious kin,
A fountain of resplendent graciousness; disseminating the fragrance of everlasting empathy; on every impoverished step that she majestically tread,
A cloudburst of insatiably untamed yearning; as she triggered fireballs of unsurpassably untamed desire; even in the heart of the sordidly treacherous and
remorseful night,
A waterfall of astoundingly scintillating radiance; as she unveiled an unfathomable veil of regale artistry in every ingredient of the vivaciously bustling atmosphere,
A wave of perennially heartfelt emotions; ardently exploring the fathomless chapters of existence; as the Omnipotent sun bloomed full throttle in the whites of her immaculately pristine eyes,
An apostle of humanitarian bonding; embracing all spell binding goodness of this gigantic Universe; wonderfully in her compassionately amiable bosom,
A forest of eternally proliferating sensuousness; profusely oozing into unsurpassable rivulets of ingratiating enchantment; as voluptuous darkness took an invincible grip on disdainfully inclement light,
A perpetually perfect dream for any artist; as he assimilated even the most infinitesimal iota of her celestially sparkling beauty; in the fathomless embodiment of his timeless canvas,
An everlastingly Optimistic light; that maneuvers you towards a paradise of divine rhapsody and unending exuberance; when you felt your nerves being brutally annihilated by swords of bizarre manipulation,
A melodiously evergreen song; that rejuvenates every despicably dying speck of your frazzled visage; marvelously drifting you towards a sky of vividly fascinating newness,
An insurmountably poignant gorge of vibrant titillation; blissfully enrapturing even the most drearily alien; into a cocoon of mesmerizing smiles,
A harbinger of ubiquitously immortal peace; divinely soothing every invidiously adulterated web of discordant hoarseness; with the stupendously
supernatural melody in her voice,
A selfless mirror of beautifully scintillating reality; uninhibitedly unleashing the corridors of her impeccable soul; to all philanthropically blending on the trajectory of this gargantuan earth,
An indefatigable saga of tumultuous passion and turmoil; wholeheartedly weathering every stage of inexplicably enigmatic existence; in harmoniously triumphant synergy with the; Almighty Divine,
A rainbow of Omnisciently perpetuating shine; inundating even the most preposterously indigent of lives; with gloriously unblemished rivers of ecstatic
A wind of fabulously reinvigorating freshness; unbelievably replenishing even the most capriciously infidel of your beleaguered senses; with the essence of Omnipresent mankind,
An unparalleled inferno of magnetically alluring breath; immortally throbbing to insatiably assimilate all love that lay boundlessly scattered; on this incomprehensibly vast planet,
And although she existed in unfathomable roles in today’s society; at times a sacrosanct Mother; at times a mischievous sister; at times an enchanting seductress; at times a compassionate wife; at times an affable aunt; at times an eternal grandmother;
There was one solemnization that was unassailably common for each of her form; as she would for infinite birth’s remain God’s most pricelessly beautiful creation; she would forever be crowned as a resplendent woman .
He celestially slept in her Godly lap for marathon hours; when the brilliantly flamboyant Sun peaked full throttle in the sky,
While to be hoisted high and handsome in euphoric air; all that he had to do was; incoherently tug at the maturely bohemian fingers; of my ebulliently anticipating palms .
He boisterously suckled milk from her sacred chest; when he felt intermittently hungry; even at the most inexplicable moments of the day and all throughout the
perilous night,
While to be recounted his favorite rhymes of mystical adventure and frolic; all that he had to do was; innocuously stare at my compassionate eyes; as the rain fell in tranquilly from the fathomless skies outside.
He danced in her poignant lap with uninhibited tandem; rejoicing the most pricelessly grandiloquent moments of his freshly born life,
While to be apprised of the outside world; march on his own tiny feet outside; all he had to do was; immaculately flood my ears with his euphorically mesmerizing and incongruous sounds.
He snuggled unassailably close to her pristine belly; whenever he felt even the most inconspicuous iota of fear lingering diabolically in the atmosphere around,
While to be taught how to prudently discern words and language; all he had to do was; kiss me impeccably on my bearded cheeks; as the seductive songs of the cuckoo; greeted one and all; at gloriously ethereal dawn.
He gleefully plucked at the strands of her silken hair; joyously banging his diminutive fists into her chin; whenever he felt strung by winds of overwhelmingly uncontrollable mischief,
While to be scrupulously washed of all the abominable dirt adhering to his eternally brand new visage; all he had to do was; inarticulately wink at the ecstatically obliging contours of my face.
He fabulously emulated in front of her all the voices he had an absolute infatuation towards; nibbling her Omnipotent ears with his softly developing teeth,
While to be indefatigably tickled on his blissfully endowing ribs; all he had to do was; naughtily play hide and seek with my profoundly twinkling eyes.
He smiled the smile of the angels in her vivaciously resplendent arms; irrefutably accepting her unconquerable breath and sweat; as the sole tonic to survive,
While to be taken round every cranny of our dwelling; as well as unrelentingly explore the sprouting garden outside; all he had to do was; gently pat me on my fervently awaiting and already bent shoulders.
He intransigently adored her celestial countenance for being the most beautifully bountiful on this entire planet; immortally imprisoning her invincible picture;
for infinite more births to come; in his heart; mind; and righteous conscience,
While to be bequeathed upon even the most infinitesimal of desire in his life; all he had to do was; passionately address me by any name that he wanted; forever he would always remain as my blood; as my heavenly child.
And although he sporadically probed her for something; and at times holistically leaned upon my demeanor for that object eluding his timelessly Omnipotent senses,
He had impregnably bestowed upon both of us an honor which made us exist as the richest organisms for countless more births of ours yet to unfurl; O! yes an indescribable richness of being his only; FATHER AND MOTHER.
I might have augmented in physical proportions tumultuously; towering like a giant from above chunks of infinitesimally threadbare soil,
I might have evolved a bombastically aristocratic slang; emanating the most prudently sagacious sounds from my large mouth; every time I got an opportunity to speak,
I might have encapsulated even the most minuscule cranny of my body in robes of grandiloquently ostentatious silk; majestically cascading like a prince through the lanes of irrefutably sparkling fame,
I might have escalated to the zenith of scintillating prosperity; suckling opulent wine and breathing oligarchic cigar smoke; blending with sumptuous cuisines of high society,
But for my eternally sacrosanct Mother I would forever remain her innocuously wailing infant; witnessing the alien world from her compassionately sequestering
eyes; forever remain as her immortal child.
I might have unassailably conquered many a treacherous army; with the overwhelming essence of patriotism; blissfully bequeathed upon me; by Lord Almighty,
I might have catapulted to the marvelously invincible mountaintop; bereft of the most inconspicuous of scaffolding or support,
I might have astoundingly discovered an unfathomable reservoir of newness; as I tread with profusely unending exuberance on every enchanting step,
I might have unfurled into an unsurpassably enamoring festoon of stupendous vivaciousness; as I danced in the uninhibitedly untamed spirit of adulthood; under the tantalizingly pelting droplets of golden rain,
But for my adorably impregnable Mother; I would forever remain her impeccable baby huddled perpetually close to her warm chest; being nourished with the Godly air in her lungs; forever remain as her immortal child.
I might have rhetorically mastered the painstaking art of surviving in desolate solitude; ardently staring for hours immemorial; towards the blanket of resplendently twinkling stars,
I might have ebulliently gallivanted towards the corridors of unequivocally glittering success; profoundly basking in the insatiably fragrant glory of timeless existence,
I might have unconquerably kissed the lanes of overwhelming fame; being showered upon with an award of every conceivable denomination for my poetic artistry; by the grace of Almighty God,
I might have bloomed into a perennial flower of philanthropic mankind; disseminating the fragrance of humanity to the most fathomless quarters of this
colossally mesmerizing Universe,
But for my Omnisciently divine Mother; I would forever remain her bundle of freshly delivered rhapsody; impeccably embracing her lips with my tiny hands; forever remain her immortal child.
I might have magnificently placated countless dolorously dreary organisms in the atmosphere; with the mystically resplendent cadence in my poignant voice,
I might have unflinching confronted the most truculently acrimonious of disaster; without a single wink of my incredulously blazing eyes,
I might have got royally ingratiating artistry melodiously embedded in every core of my impoverished countenance; encompassing all panoramic beauty of this Universe; in the canvas of my enlightening soul,
I might have celestially procreated immaculate progeny of my own; succeeding in my pricelessly virile endeavors of continuing God’s glorious chapters of harmonious creation,
But for my bountifully beautiful Mother; I would forever remain her mischievously frolicking child; the sole deity which she had harnessed with her very own flesh and blood; forever remain her immortal child.
Children are like fresh globules of tantalizing rain; which spell bindingly descend in euphoric frenzy from fathomless carpets of glorious sky,
Children are like innocuous tufts of cotton soaring ebulliently in handsome atmosphere; philandering in stupendous melody under carpets of gloriously blissful
Children are like the pristine rays of Omnipotent Sun; profoundly illuminating one and all; with their vibrantly intriguing imagery; alike,
Children are like the fairies of irrefutable truth dancing in the celestial heavens; with their immaculately divine consciences boundless kilometers away; from the despicable gutter of lies,
Children are like ecstatically redolent roses brazenly swaying in the afternoon winds; unfurling into majestic artistry and overwhelmingly tangy boisterousness; as each second speedily zipped by,
Children are like fulminating springs of rhapsodically untamed jubilation which erupt from the inner most core of earth; incessantly blooming into a paradise of new found energy; an insatiable euphoria to propel forward in life,
Children are like united colors of the vivaciously radiant rainbow; embracing each other in compassionate cradles of humanity; entirely oblivious to the satanic vagaries of caste; creed; religion and spurious color,
Children are like the resplendently milky beams of the innocent Moon; perennially twinkling in the unparalleled exuberance of discovery; indefatigably exploring all bountiful happiness so fantastically laden upon this colossal planet,
Children are like voluptuously nimble blades of dew drop coated grass; profusely ringing in the wholesome merriment of symbiotic existence; whistling past the meadows of inexplicably ghastly sorrow; with Omnipotent beauty in their tiny souls,
Children are like scintillatingly majestic eagles soaring royally through the silken clouds; uninhibitedly kissing all goodness that confronted them in their way; on every step that they poignantly tread,
Children are like angels of relentlessly philanthropic benevolence; donating even the most priceless of their possession; to their comrades in agonizing pain,
Children are like the sparkle of seductively ethereal dawn; deluging every disastrously bereaved household; with the ingratiatingly timeless essence of joyously beautiful existence,
Children are like steps leading to the sacrosanct Creator; unassailably fortifying your persona to face the deadliest of evil; as you clambered each foot forward,
Children are like rambunctiously revered and bushy squirrels up in the foliated trees; eternally unfolding into insurmountable enthusiasm; leaping fleet- footedly to metamorphose beleaguered earth once again into an Omniscient paradise,
Children are like unfathomable treasure hoves of captivating honey; oozing the ultimate sweetness of Godly creation; with the incredulous ardor in their heavenly voice,
Children are like charms of everlasting luck; magically transforming your despairingly deplorable survival; into a life replete with profusely endearing graciousness,
Children are like invincibly boundless mountains of faith; instilling Herculean courage in all those miserably dwindling; by just the unprecedented fervor of brilliant optimism; lingering enchantingly in the whites of their eyes,
Children are like petals of Omnipresent prosperity; ubiquitously diffusing the spirit of happiness and immortal humanity; to every penuriously ailing entity on the trajectory of this endlessly glittering planet,
And Children are like the supremely divine aura of Godhead; granting every benign desire in your heart to be perpetually true; the instant you held their beaming palms to frolic with them in the gardens of; unconquerable togetherness.
Some called her a tantalizing seductress; philandering uninhibitedly through
the inscrutably rustling forests,
Some called her an angel having just descended from the sky; bountifully pacifying even the most traumatically agonized senses; with the stupendous charisma in her voice,
Some called her a poignantly tangy wave; profusely enlightening the gruesomely pallid atmosphere around; with the incredulous euphoria in her ravishing stride,
Some called her an unfathomably enigmatic wind; that mystically tingled countless of impoverished souls; in the heavenly swirl of her compassionately diffusing breath,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; feeding it with celestial granaries of impeccable milk; and loads of overwhelmingly silken warmth.
Some called her a gloriously alluring pack of metamorphosing cards; enthusing boundless with the magic in her triumphant smile,
Some called her an insurmountably nubile vixen; voraciously drowning even the most lecherously monotonous; in an untamed thunderbolt of never ending raw desire,
Some called her a fabulously evading mirage; captivating even the most insensitively alien; in the ingratiating aroma that lingered incomprehensibly around each of her vivacious senses,
Some called her an unsurpassable carpet of marvelously scarlet roses; profoundly illuminating every dwindling path that she tread on; with the philanthropic divinity enshrouding her immaculate conscience,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; cuddling its tuft of innocuously heavenly hair indefatigably throughout the day; sequestering it from the even most infinitesimal of evil every moment of the disastrously horrendous night.
Some called her an unparalleled magician; metamorphosing every shattered heart that she caressed; into an enthralling paradise which kissed the realms of eternity,
Some called her an irrefutably bestowing fairy Goddess; fulfilling every wish of the despicably shivering and miserably penurious,
Some called her an exuberantly swimming mermaid; deluging the invidiously pathetic gloom around; with her unbelievably enamoring charisma and tinkling footsteps,
Some called her a panacea for even the most devastatingly debilitated disease; impregnably finding reprieve under nothing else on this planet; but
her magnanimously showering palms,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; sacrificing everything in her life; to witness it eternally blossom into the most invincibly unflinching entity alive.
Some called her a fantasy come true for all births; tickling the most inner most dormitories of the ludicrously bedraggled mind; with optimistic hope and intrepidly soaring adventure,
Some called her a neverending heartthrob; royally making them feel the most opulent organisms ever alive; as they perpetually bonded with her flamboyantly pulsating festoon of rhythmic beats,
Some called her a gorgeously blissful experience; rejuvenating their obsoletely remorseful blood; with the unconquerable exhilaration of life,
Some called her reflection that triggered fathomless whirlpools of insatiable yearning; coining a whole new chapter of mesmerizing existence,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; keeping it incessantly close to her womb; bequeathing upon it all the tenacity in this world to survive; even after she veritably died.
6. WOMB.
There was no mountain born on this Universe; which was more formidable than it; coming even an infinitesimal iota abreast its impregnable tenacity,
There was no fire born on this Universe; which was more vivaciously flamboyant than it; as it incessantly swirled in the aisles of vibrant compassion,
There was no color born on this Universe; which was more gorgeous than it; as it resembled the angels in the sweltering heat of the day; as well as each instant of the voluptuously alluring night,
There was no sky born on this Universe; which was more fathomless than it; as it was the procreator of every tangible entity wandering merrily on this colossal planet,
There was no flower born on this Universe; which was more fragrant than it; as it bloomed fabulously into a scent; that caressed the souls of countless loitering
aimlessly; alike,
There was no contraption born on this Universe; which was more contemporary than it; as it incredulously withstood the test of all times; evolving the most ingeniously superior organism; like brilliant streaks of white electricity in blue sky,
There was no ocean born on this Universe; which was more unfathomable than it; as it ubiquitously disseminated its waves of harmony and perennial bliss; to all those shivering in torrential pain,
There was no magnet born on this Universe; which was more attractive than it; as it captivated even the most remotely alien of persona; in its stupendously divine swirl,
There was no philosophy born on this Universe; which was more sacrosanct than it; as it preached the most holistic existence; even centuries before you were born,
There was no truth born on this Universe; which was more irrefutable than it; as it triumphantly massacred the very essence of blatant lies; from even the most oblivious wind of this gigantic earth,
There was no power born on this Universe; which was more invincible than it; as it defended you against the most mightiest of attacks; within a single wink of its eye,
There was no entertainment born on this Universe; which was more efficacious than its flurry of boisterous activity; pacifying each of your overwhelmingly frazzled senses; with its miraculous enchantment and charm,
There was no Sun born on this Universe; which was more dazzling than it; as it spread the aura of its marvelously Omnipotent shine; to each house miserably staggering in ghastly blackness,
There was no star born on this Universe; which was more resplendent than it; as it filtered its charismatically symbiotic beams; to profoundly illuminate the disdainful caricature of unearthly darkness,
There was no wind born on this Universe; which was more serene than it; as it insurmountably mollified every traumatically agonized individual; in the river
of its unending love,
There was no bird born on this Universe; which could fly higher than it; as it indefatigably soared higher than the satiny clouds; uplifting the impoverished
into an entrenchment of celestial goodness,
There was no mysticism born on this Universe; which was more enigmatic than it; as it engulfed even the most treacherously mundane of entity in the poignantly escalating wave of its mesmerizing enthrallment,
There was no complexion born on this Universe; which was more beautiful than it; as it imparted perennial shelter to the profusely infirm; in its unbelievably passionate interiors,
There was no victory born on this Universe; which was more greater than it; as it tirelessly fought not just for itself; but for shielding the lives of boundless innocent; about to be born,
There was no tree born on this Universe; which was more bountiful than it; as it perpetually bestowed the most wonderfully priceless gift of humanity; in each hopelessly barren cranny of this gargantuan world,
There was no smile born on this Universe; which was more benevolent than it; as it magnanimously embraced even the most hideously sinister in its heavenly swirl; giving all an equal opportunity to diffuse their quota of goodness on this planet,
There was no emotion born on this Universe; which was more effusively volatile than it; as it fulminated into the most glorious catharsis of the conscience every unveiling moment; striking the chord of humanity with incomprehensible; alike,
There was no blessing born on this Universe; which was more benign than it; as it spread the sweetness of symbiotic survival; granted every philanthropic wish of yours; even before you could nimbly utter it,
There was no richness born on this Universe; which was more opulent than it; as it made you feel the most prosperous organism alive; even in infinite more births you were destined to take birth again,
There was no aroma born on this Universe; which was more Omnipresent than it; as it inhabited each dwelling where there even the most inconspicuous sign of life; relentlessly propelling the chapter of existence to continue till the time God wanted it to,
There was no enchantment born on this Universe; which was more stupefying than it; as it cast its majestically spell binding spirit; to every soul withering abominably towards the corridors of threadbare extinction,
There was no ray born on this Universe; which was more handsome than it; as it blazed a trail of ultimate splendor; even on the most pathetically dwindling paths that it caressed,
There was no energy born on this Universe; which was more everlasting than it; as it single handedly bore the brunt of all the ferociously diabolical around; unshakably rising to every ruthless disaster; like a supremely embellished princess,
There was no summit born on this Universe; which was more towering than it; as it overshadowed every shade of the invidiously evil; with its royal grace and
Omniscient light,
There was no bond born on this Universe; which was more stronger than it; as it astoundingly fortified its Oligarchic grip; upon the cradle of compassionate empathy; for unbelievable more lives to come,
There was no sword born on this Universe; which was more mightier than it; as it beheaded even the most infinitesimal of devil; lingering insidiously around its innocuously frolicking children,
There was no seed born on this Universe; which was more fertile than it; as it blossomed into a festoon of newness and excitement every unfurling minute; spawning the most exotic creation of Almighty Lord,
There was no season born on this Universe; which was more ravishing than it; as it showered its virtue of ever pervading righteousness; upon each molecule of God; in an enclosure of harmonious unity and humanitarian pride,
There was no path born on this Universe which was more enticing than it; as it unrelentingly intrigued countless; with its incomprehensibly unending prowess
to serve all mankind,
There was no continent born on this Universe; which was more fascinating than it; as it harbored each element of prosperous survival in its amicable corridors; ensuring that all those benevolent; reached the pinnacle of glittering success,
There was no honey born on this Universe; which was more sweeter than it; as it wholeheartedly distributed the winds of united existence; propagated the essence of solidarity in every passionate heart on this earth,
There was no rainbow on this Universe; which was more magically striking than it; as it unfurled into an unsurpassable myriad of enriching shades; to grant all those deluged in drudgery; an absolute reprieve from sinful malice,
There was no soil born on this Universe; which was more ravishing than it; as it culminated into an emphatic breeze of friendship; in the most malevolent of
storm; and harmony; alike,
There was no relationship born on this Universe; which was more amiable than it; as it offered its ubiquitous wings to all those treacherously deprived who needed it; before offering them unequivocal shelter for the freezing night,
There was no artist born on this Universe; who was more passionate than it; as it assimilated all the beauty of this globe; in its cradle of ebullient happiness,
There was no sound born on this Universe; which was more melodious than it; as it euphorically sung the tunes of a splendidly incarcerating life; mitigating all those engulfed with horrifically despicable despair,
There was no meadow born on this Universe; which was more sprouting than it; as it blissfully harnessed each enlightening attribute of existence with its own blood; reinforcing each bit of the gruesomely bad; with the irrevocable thunderbolts of divine life,
There was no reflection born on this Universe; which was more marvelous than it; as it consecrated even the most lecherous bits of dilapidated ash; with the unprecedented love lingering in its soul,
There was no magic born on this Universe; which was more alluring than it; as it unbelievably spawned the most intellectual of all organisms; to save the planet from ghastly clutches of misery and stinking mice,
There was no panacea born on this Universe; which was more effective than it; as it instilled rejuvenating life in even those; well sunken in beneath their gory graves and without the slightest trace of light,
There was no mission born on this Universe; which was more fulfilling than it; as it accomplished the greatest purpose of the Almighty; by immortally continuing his sacred chapter of existence,
There was no current born on this Universe; which was more vividly passionate than it; as it evolved a complete life from just a capriciously changing conglomerate of cells and space; rambunctiously ensuring that there was not the tiniest of insinuation of stillness or morbid malice,
There was no idea born on this Universe; which was more incarcerating than it; as it still remained the most fascinating mechanism of chiseling a perfect organism; even in a world drowned abhorrently in robotic prejudice,
There was no fashion on this Universe; which was more versatile than it; as it acclimatized itself to the most ferociously vacillating conditions; celestially metamorphosing its intricate form; every now and again; to blend with the cry
of painstakingly suffering humanity,
There was no gift on this Universe; which was more precious than it; as it manifested every person’s ultimate dream into a veritable reality; gave him a reason to live with astronomical pride; even well past his own times,
There was no longing on this Universe; which was more ardent than it; as it triggered insatiable cloudbursts of craving; for all those deplorably blind; to witness their sole messiah with golden sight,
There was no line on this Universe; which was more straighter than it; as it basked in the undefeatable glory of candid honesty; diffusing the rays of a fantastically optimistic tomorrow; as each day persevering unraveled into the queenly night,
There was no boundary on this Universe; which was more boundless than it; as it encompassed all merciful living kind; in the heavenly pace that forever enveloped its sparkling form, There was no prayer on this Universe; which was more revered than it; as it was a magical wand for pioneering all forms and fraternities of vibrant life; sowing the cherishable seeds of a symbiotic existence,
O! yes; it made you feel the most invincible entity on this planet till the time you were in it; bequeathing upon you an incomprehensible ardor to lead a countless more lives; when you wonderfully came out,
It was the ultimate place that you belonged to on this earth; the very reason that you were able to read and I was able to fervently write until this line; the only cradle which gave you life; the only cradle on this globe which embraced you like an angel even after your condemnable death; infact a place none other than your own blood and signature; a place none other than your MOTHERS WOMB.
The Dinosaur perceived it to be an inconspicuous insect; a small speck of dirt
lying sprawled amongst infinite others of its kind,
The red ants on the floor perceived it to be a colossal mountain; with black roots on its summit,
The clouds hovering in the cosmos perceived it to be; a passing draught of placid wind,
The yellow beaked birds floating in the pond; perceived it to be a flimsy fledgling having just hatched out,
The ominous reptiles slithering in unchopped meadows of grass; perceived it to
be a gigantic worm with bulging eyes,
The fiery body of sun in the sky; perceived it to a hindrance; irascibly blocking its scintillating rays,
The rustic chimpanzees perched high on the trees; perceived it to be a tiny inclusion into their vivacious tribe,
The chameleon transgressing through the incongruous bushes; perceived it to be
a gargantuan mosquito; impossible to be gobbled,
The stray dogs philandering through the desolate streets; perceived it to be a chunk of sumptuous chicken; the very sight of which made them profusely slaver at their mouths,
The obstreperously humming bees in their cat combed hives; perceived it to be an organism of their fraternity; when it incessantly cried,
The monstrous sharks in the deep ocean; perceived it to be a fragile and sticky tadpole; without its tail,
The discordantly buzzing mosquitoes; perceived it to be a blend of rich flesh and blood; a rare treat to encounter once in a while,
The silver spider entwined within the intricate threads of its web; perceived it to be a crusader; who could squelch its dwelling at any moment,
The squirrels wandering through the meandering burrows; perceived it to be a
sumptuous nut; soft and supple to nibble,
The diabolically toothed alligator in the swampy marshes; perceived it to be crunchy bread for breakfast,
The pigs ambling languidly on the streets; perceived it to be a sophisticated bundle of scented garbage,
The rats trespassing through the floors at night; perceived it to be a freshly prepared conglomerate of food,
The creator who evolved him from my womb; perceived him to be a human being; a
tangible entity out of the millions he had created,
While I perceived " MY BABY"; to be the most beautiful person in this world;
the most priceless treasure ever existing on this planet; Yes your guess is as
good as mine; for I was none other than his mother.
There was just one voice which could bring me triumphantly bouncing back; even from the dungeons of the most inexplicable desperation—where an infinite scorpions of viciously stabbed till many an eternity,
There was just one voice which could bring me blissfully bouncing back; even from the throes of the most chaotic riots and violent bloodshed-where a boundless innocent like me were baselessly trapped irrespective of religion; cast; color or race,
There was just one voice which could bring me spell-bindingly bouncing back; even from the mortuaries of acrimonious betrayal—where the most benign harbingers of peace were insidiously charred to raw and wanton ash,
There was just one voice which could bring me boisterously bouncing back; even from the most diabolical dungeons of solitariness—where perpetual silence dolorously incarcerated every ounce of activity,
There was just one voice which could bring me sensuously bouncing back; even from the most dreaded fields of subterfuge and slavery—where disdainful manipulation kept inexhaustibly sucking like an unconquerable leech,
There was just one voice which could bring me ecstatically bouncing back; even from the most truculently thwarted anecdotes of maniacal depression—were every step forward led only to the graveyards of bleary nothingness,
There was just one voice which could bring me euphorically bouncing back; even from the most cursedly moonless nights—where there vindictively paraded nothing else but an unceasing fleet of Witches and bemoaning ghosts,
There was just one voice which could bring me jubilantly bouncing back; even from the most perilously closing crocodile jaws—where there lingered nothing else but the coffin robe of wholesome death ,
There was just one voice which could bring me unflinchingly bouncing back; even from the most unbearably sadistic gutters of cowardice-where Sunlight was endlessly ostracized and livid blackness fervently worshipped,
There was just one voice which could bring me undauntedly bouncing back; even from the most miserably asphyxiating of nightmares—where proliferation or newness immutably abhorred to survive,
There was just one voice which could bring me mellifluously bouncing back; even from the most irrevocably sinking ship-where ghastly choking to death was the only writing on every innocuous palm,
There was just one voice which could bring me vivaciously bouncing back; even from the most brutally gleaming edges of the devilish knife—where wholesome extinction precariously tottered in-between a single stroke of the sardonically grinning blade,
There was just one voice which could bring me stupendously bouncing back; even from the most torturously lambasting hell's of the devil—where all that reigned supreme was an unending battalion of abuse and parasitic unrest,
There was just one voice which could bring me bountifully bouncing back; even from the most deplorably stagnant realms of the unsparing past—where there hovered the germs of such negativity- that crucified every instant of the optimistic present and tomorrow,
There was just one voice which could bring me poignantly bouncing back; even from the most irretrievably demonic thorns of poverty-where there existed nothing else but an unfathomably deteriorating atmosphere of devastating haplessness,
There was just one voice which could bring me merrily bouncing back; even from the most sinfully adulterated streets of prejudice—where every organism gallivanting was under a spell of blood-sucking doom,
There was just one voice which could bring me jauntily bouncing back; even from the most despondently excoriating gallows of failure—where the minutest ray of hope had abominably died already a billion years ago,
There was just one voice which could bring me exuberantly bouncing back; even from the most satanic crevices of wretched terrorism-where only the harmoniously impeccable organism had to pay the price of its life,
O! Yes; that voice was of none other but that of my divinely baby daughter "Kavya"; calling me "Daddy" more and more passionately with every unveiling instant-- till the time there existed the last draught of air in my lungs—and even an infinite centuries after I'd veritably died.
His cheeks were as pristine as the snow on the astronomical summit of the mountain; glistening to a perfect golden under brilliantly flamboyant sunlight,
His eyes were as blue as the majestically swirling ocean; darting infinite places in a minute; to savor the newness of this world,
His hair were as soft as silk which flowed in the mesmerizing heavens; culminating into a festoon of mischievous curls; which made him the unprecedented darling of all races,
His palms were as pink as the freshly blossomed lotus; imparting their stupendously immaculate odor; to every gloomy particle in the atmosphere,
His smile was as enchanting as the pearly moonlight; incarcerating even the most belligerently hostile in its impeccable grip,
His eyelashes were as poignant as the vivaciously slapping artists brush; incessantly fluttering in the midst of the stringently monotonous town,
His lips were as sweet as marvelously rejuvenating sticks of sugarcane; remaining a profuse scarlet in every conceivable shade of changing light,
His skin was as flawless as the mothers milk; granting one the tenacity to conquer any aspect of treacherous life; the instant he caressed it,
His feet were as voluptuously spongy as the bed of overwhelmingly fragrant roses; sending shivers round every cranny of the earth as he nimbly transgressed it,
His ears were as rhapsodic as globules of royally cascading honey; insurmountably intrigued by the most tiniest of sound that drifted in space,
His blood was as energetic the tumultuously showering clouds; proliferating into a mist of exuberant excitement every unleashing minute,
His voice was as naturally uninhibited as the morning cuckoo; making people towering towards the sky; bow down to his heavenly grace,
His sweat was as tangy as salt imprisoned in the undulating sea waves; making him the son of every star shimmering in cosmotic space,
His teeth were as fabulously immaculate as the extruding buds of nascent cotton; with which he feasted on dainty chunks of appetizingly seductive cheese,
His stomach was as sacred as the bells ringing emphatically in the celestial temple; rising and falling like a fairy as he inhaled in puffs of exhilarating air,
His tongue was as flirtatious as the cheeky chimpanzee; as he darted it out every now and again; as the worlds most spuriously ostentatious business tycoons; without the slightest of restraint,
His bones were as ebulliently bouncy as the striped giraffe; galloping at a pace which left the fastest of missile behind,
His yawn was as ingratiatingly splendid as creamy dawn; instilling a reinvigorating wave of bliss in maniacally overworked entities,
His breath was as Omnipotent as the most vital signs of life; granting stupendously unfathomable tenacity to every organism who had the slightest of desire to live,
And his heart was as Omnipresent as Almighty God; irrefutably worshipped by every other heart wandering on this Universe; although he had just taken birth as a tiny little living being; a tiny little child to be more precise.
Shielding her eyes like a new born infant; with traditional tinges of profuse mascara embellishing her tantalizing eyelashes,
Pursing her voluptuously sculptured lips to the most unprecedented limits; beads of silver perspiration dribbling down her innocuous cheeks,
Admiring her persona profoundly; intermittently glimpsing at the mirror; which glowed all the more with her mesmerizing countenance,
Humming mystically to herself; as she restlessly tossed on the grandiloquent carpet of moist grass,
Shivering in inexplicable excitement; like the dainty globules of snow melting in poignant harmony under the dazzling Sun,
Exuberantly inhaling the scent of the gorgeously blossoming flowers; drowning herself into the heavenly fragrance that emanated; till centuries immemorial,
Giggling uncontrollably at the tiniest provocation by her friends; thoroughly astounded by her incredulously tinkling laughter resonating countless times after
colliding with the walls,
Spending fathomless hours in front of her ostentatious vanity glass; adorning each part of her vivacious body; with a festoon of royally shimmering pearls,
Blushing to unfathomable limits with the ebulliently gushing breeze; chasing gaudily striped butterflies with a tenacity befitting the timeless angels,
Fidgeting with her nails in tumultuous rhapsody; an inferno of insatiable passion dancing ardently in her eyes,
Fantasizing beyond pragmatic boundaries of comprehension; philandering with the stupendously singing fairies high beyond realms of the sky,
Basking in the pearly magnificence of the midnight moon; with her hands entwined in an insurmountably compassionate stranglehold,
Whistling in inexorable ecstasy at the birds perched on the trees; tracing the intricate lines of her palms with her enchantingly glistening index finger,
Nostalgically reminiscing those moments when she first cried in the lap of her mother; and the stage now when she was about to become one,
Trespassing barefoot on the paths freshly blended with rain; with the unbelievably seductive sound of her golden anklets rousing every entity on this Universe; from the heart of deep sleep,
Indefatigably feeling higher than the sapphire ocean of clouds; although she transgressed in the fullest of her senses on bare bits of loose soil,
Intransigently wishing for time to come to an abrupt standstill; with her astronomically ravishing beauty taking complete control of the mundane atmosphere,
Awaiting with fervent anticipation for the immortally sacred marriage ceremony to unveil; bonding her forever with the mate of her every dream,
She prayed tirelessly to the Creator; to bestow every day of her life like this one; when she majestically crowned herself and proudly proclaimed to all listening; that she was indeed the bride.
When I was a child I thought of devouring immaculate chunks of white butter,
Today I contemplated the price before purchasing monetary gifts for pleasure.
When I was a child I clambered up tall trees; to pluck nutritious fruit,
Today I pondered on the various ramifications; which could possibly occur when the farmer caught me red handed.
When I was a child I played vociferously in mud; making inarticulate cakes of cow dung plaster,
Today I refrained from going near wet land; on the flimsy grounds of having my trousers coated with obnoxious dirt.
When I was a child I got up early in the morning; relishing cool air while walking towards school,
Today I woke up with startled jerks; with darkness fully camouflaged in the sun; to rush in a jiffy towards office.
When I was a child I played for incessant hours in the evening with my cluster of friends, Today I retired in front of the television screen; with a glass of cold beverage; at the onset of twilight.
When I was a child I demonstrated a plethora of emotions when profoundly agitated, Today I had risen to holistic degrees of self control; scrutinizing my mistakes before I cried.
When I was a child I took the supreme liberty of hiding amongst a fleet of guests arriving at our dwelling,
Today I audaciously shook hands with the same; conversed for indefatigable hours with them on matters of common parlance.
When I was a child I voraciously read a battalion of thrilling mysteries,
Today I completely engulfed myself in deciphering; intricate quotes of the stock market.
When I was a child I listened to my elders with rapt attention and intense enthusiasm,
Today I chalked policies of my own; implementing them with loads of fortified conviction.
When I was a child; beads of sweat dribbled down my nape after witnessing a ghastly scene from the movie,
Today I didn't budge an inch from my seat; after sighting the same; as I knew it was fictitious.
When I was a child I had no hesitation asking for money from my ancestors,
Today I felt thoroughly abashed; asking them to gratify my distinctly penurious state.
When I was a child I chortled into pools of uninhibited laughter; at someone awkwardly dressed,
Today I emitted out sly smiles; in order that the individual didn't feel humiliating and bad.
When I was a child I hardly had time to think about the vagaries of mystical world, Today I spent hours pondering on a jugglery of consequences that would unleash; if I wasn't careful.
When I was a child I thought the most onerous thing existing was to study,
Today I felt that it was the process of earning; that was the most cumbersome of them all.
When I was a child; those were the times I was oblivious to reality; solely living in a world of tailor made fantasy,
While today I had crossed the realms of maturity; acclimatized to the harsh reality; and desperately wished I was that unscrupulous child once again.
Only in a world of freedom can a child unfold and bloom,
For it is his birthright not to be gloomy.
He cries and says let me go away,
For he shows corrupt masses of elderly his own natural
He takes a pledge to be always free,
He expresses this thought of his with lots of glee.
He breaks an object with inanimate ease,
For to do new things he has a long lease.
A smile spreads on naughty outlines of his face,
For he is living at the will of others grace.
An anxious look creeps in his large innocent eyes,
For he is existing in a world of money sucking flies.
At last he makes one final thought,
To reject the elders who gave him broth.
Those days were golden when I was a kid,
deprived of all responsibility,
divested of the urge to earn, run for fodder,
slept all night in cozy delights of my quilt,
to be woken up by the first rays of dawn,
shrill ringing bell of the portable clock,
brief shower with tap water, clad in cream uniform,
greeted by the welcome aroma of mud brown coffee,
ravishing crumbs of bread submerged in jam,
a quick glimpse at unfinished assignments,
vigorous coats of polish activating shoe shine,
meticulous combing of ruffled slept hair,
carefree manipulation of things to be purchased,
hasty packaging of school artillery in leather bag,
animated deliberation with my mother on study hours,
I now marched at fast pace towards the bus stop.
The wind was chilly, Sunlight had a role of guest
leafy tree foliage camouflaged the road,
droplets of salt water blew from the violent sea,
exuberant birds soared high in the clouds,
lazy yawns echoed through, long van interiors,
occasional clatter of ticket punch pads,
the glass paned bus finally switched routes,
heading towards suburban areas of walled city,
braked to a halt abreast my majestic school building,
the electric school bell was ringing, catholic prayers
had just begun,
as I galloped with my friends, to my compact class room,
now engulfed profoundly with full morning Sunlight.
Forehead coated with red vermilion,
with spreading incense of intense loyalty,
long hair parted in equal coconut oil,
body smeared with sacred halves,
greased with century old ash,
bunch of flower braids entangled in braid,
diffusing into petals of love,
circular rings piercing nose and ear,
lighting up skin lobes with glittering gold,
long threads with sandalwood beads,
tied to beautifully crafted necks,
long fingers covered with red nail paint,
steel bangles dangling from wrists,
black mascara adorning shielding eyes,
sprawled tattoos depicting religion,
engraved on large lined palms,
lips portraying tinge of natural fleshy pink,
broad shoulder bones toughened with household chores,
with embroidered silk covering every inch of flesh,
preparing appetizing delicacies in enclosed kitchens,
a saga of unending sacrifice,
and an excellent chanter of the vedic rhyme,
an autobiography of self discipline,
giving birth to offspring's like me,
and a host of eminent personalities,
is the traditional Indian woman.
Only in a world of freedom,
Can a child unfold and bloom.
Only with the Sun piercing right through the dark hut,
Can a child see the wonderful sights of this world.
Only in an ocean of unprejudiced love,
Can a child speak to its heart's content.
Only through the eyes of soft empathy,
Can a child see its true reflection.
Only in surroundings of unadulterated society,
Can a child open its mind wholesomely and dream.
Only when applauded at its tiniest achievement,
Can a child come to know its hidden potential.
Only in lanes without propagation of caste,
Can a child recognize its own identity.
Only in the cradle of happiness,
Can a child fantasize and create.
Only in vicinity of the learned,
Can a child imbibe the essentials of life.
Only in the pages of medieval history,
Can a child understand its ancestors better.
Only in unpolluted waters of the Ganges,
Can a child splash its hands and wholeheartedly swim.
Only without discrimination of gender and status,
Can a child flourish to achieve its goal.
Only in the gentle hands of its mother,
Can a child shield its eyes and sob.
And Only in an atmosphere of complete equality,
Can a child stimulate his urge for learning, prosper and smile.
There was simply no need for a bicycle; an ostentatious car to maneuver me around,
Till the time I possessed a pair of strong feet; which robustly bore my weight; carried me to all places I desired.
There was simply no need for an angular binocular; an array of telescopic tubes circumventing my persona,
Till the time I had intricate pairs of glistening eyes; which placed me in stupendous ecstasy after sighting the twinkling stars.
There was simply no need for supersonic computer; a host of modern contrivances aligning my table,
Till the time I had fingers which could emboss beautiful calligraphy on bonded
paper; a brain of my own to use.
There was simply no need for a lifeboat to assist me choppy waters; a cavalcade of ships to ensure my safety,
Till the time muscle bulged from under my shirt; rubicund blood circulated through my veins.
There was simply no need for the mundane ceiling fan; suspended rigidly from the webbed ceiling,
Till the time my body could attune itself to the outside heat; audaciously confront droplets of poignant sweat trickling down my forehead.
There was simply no need for biscuits coated with lascivious honey; chicory
baskets replete with ravishing chocolate,
Till the time I could procure fresh fruits from nature; had an insatiable craving for fresh water in my bowels.
There was simply no need orators preparing and delivering my speech; with me
watching the scenario languishing beside the pool,
Till the time I had incarcerated in my mouth a fleshy tongue; which could swirl rampantly and eloquently speak.
There was simply no need for a mattress of swanky satin; strewn alongwith a
fleet of immaculate white pearls,
Till the time my bones were as solid as a rock; my skull was acclimatized to sleep on the plain stone floor.
There was simply no need for the bombastic shower; nimbly diffusing few droplets of water at a time,
Till the time there existed the country river; compounded with the exuberance in my soul to bathe in it.
And there was simply no need for me to worry; take a plethora of insurmountable tensions on my head,
Till the time there existed; my celestial mother; my loving beloved; and my
sacrosanct God.
How deep is the ocean I do not know; but what I do know is that I would extricate the oil trapped within; to make it more enjoyable for people to swim,
How colossal is the sky I do not know; but what I do know is that I would stop it being invaded by obnoxious missiles; making it a paradise for birds to fly,
How dense is the forest I do not know; but what I do know is that I would prevent innocent trees from being chopped; making it more mesmerizing for the animals to live in,
How lanky is the mountain I do not know; but what I do know is that I would
terminate all mining activity on its slopes; making it more stupendous for sheep to philander on,
How vast is the desert I do not know; but what I do know is that I would placate the thirst of every organism I encountered; to grant it reprieve from the agony of scorching heat,
How acrimonious is the heat of fire I do not know; but what I do know is that I would alleviate the same by pouring pails of chilled water; thereby impeding the surrounding environment from being torched,
How lethal is the sting of scorpion I do not know; but what I do know is that I would suck it from innocuous flesh; saving it wholesomely from jaws of savage death,
How resplendent are the colors of rainbow I do not know; but what I do know is
that I would stop abhorrent gases from obscuring their ingratiating view
How dark is a blind mans life I do not know; but what I do know is I would offer him my shoulder to lean upon; comforting him in times of bizarre distress,
How eloquent is the nightingale I do not know; but what I do know is that I would prevent obstreperous noises from circulating; making its voice the solo one in the still atmosphere,
How thick is blood I do not know; but what I do know is that I would curtail
it from flowing profusely; tying across it the bandage of my unadulterated love,
How disastrous is the earthquake I do not know; but what I do know is that I
would mitigate the suffering prevailing; by hoisting all infants lying discarded without their mothers,
How piquant is white salt I do not know; but what I do know is that I would procure it in its purest form from the sea; to distribute among who cherish its taste,
How scintillating is the pearl I do not know; but what I do know is that I would prevent it from being mutilated and marketed commercially all around,
How black is darkness I do not know; but what I do know is that I would not
let it linger for more than the night; snapping it completely with the first rays of transient dawn,
How frosty is milk I do not know; but what I do know is that I would sequester
mother cow from abuse and trips to the abattoir,
How redolent is the rose I do not know; but what I do know is that I would
prevent it from being plucked indiscriminately from the blossoming shrub,
How diabolical is the demon I do not know; but what I do know is that I would
prevent him from disrupting the tranquility and benevolence of society,
How omniscient is the creator I do not know; but what I do know is that I would burn all fingers pointing against him; annihilate even the most minuscule trace of blasphemy enveloping his sacrosanct persona,
And how long am I going to live I do not know; but what I do know is that would entirely dedicate every unveiling minute of my life; to my mother; my beloved and the od who endowed upon me the prowess to live and love
It was perfectly normal to burst into pools of uninhibited laughter; after witnessing a garishly painted clown,
It was perfectly normal to hysterically sob ; at the death of someone you vehemently revered,
It was perfectly normal to trip head-on on your nose; after walking through a
puddle of slushy grease,
It was perfectly normal to tenaciously scratch your scalp; when snow white beads of dandruff camouflaged them in entirety,
It was perfectly normal to purse your lips profusely; after swallowing a sumptuously appetizing meal,
It was perfectly normal to thunderously sneeze; when disdainful granules of incongruous dust entered your nose,
It was perfectly normal to shiver; when you stood bare chested in freezing currents of bizarre winter,
It was perfectly normal to collapse in a bedraggled heap; when you carried a mountain of mud on your slender shoulder,
It was perfectly normal to blush like a scarlet complexioned rose; when you were caught red-handed trying to blatantly flirt with a girl,
It was perfectly normal to pound your fists in raw indignation; when you were
encompassed from all sides with unfathomable frustration,
It was perfectly normal to perspire; when you worked arduously under sizzling rays of the sun,
It was perfectly normal to yawn; when your lids felt overwhelmingly heavy; your body felt drowned in waves of exhaustion,
It was perfectly normal to be insatiably greedy; when you prevailed in an ambience besieged with unprecedented poverty,
It was perfectly normal to experience tingling sensations; after you lazily philandered amidst stalks of nimble grass,
It was perfectly normal to use a volley of harsh expletives; after you were
provoked to the threshold limits of tolerance,
It was perfectly normal to scowl animatedly at the class teacher; when she
bored you for hours; reciting notes of century old history,
It was perfectly normal to innocuously hiccup; when you swallowed your meals at lightening speeds,
It was perfectly normal to feel stabbed by tremors of lust; when you were in the vicinity of stupendous beauty,
It was perfectly normal to scream in the middle of night; when your dwelling
was struck by the vicious onslaught of an earthquake,
And It was perfectly normal to commit a plethora of blunders and errors in the
course of your life as a human being; as long as you existed in blissful synergy with nature; wholesomely revered the God who created you; ardently adored the Mother who gave you birth; fervently loved the girl who made you feel you were living and breathing alive.
A lock is simply useless without its key; the slender chip of squashed metal that unwinds it open,
An ocean is simply useless without its waves; the undulating swirl of frothy waters that rise and cascade down,
An eyeball is simply useless without its lids; the flexible folds of dainty skin that envelops them with glistening moisture,
A tree is simply useless without its basket of green leaves; the mushrooming buds of olive color that appear on it in infinite clusters,
A dog is simply useless without its bark; the crisp sounds that profoundly announce its presence when it opens its mouth,
A doll is simply useless without its silken hair; the artificial fronds of fluffy golden that extrude from its petite scalp,
A wall is simply useless without its conglomerate of compact bricks; a blend
of chipped stone and lime that is inevitable to make it domineeringly stand,
A bird is simply useless without its wings; the feathers that make it soar high and handsome in the sky,
An ensemble of ominous clouds is simply useless without rain; the droplets of
liquid that plummet vociferously towards the earth,
A mammoth whale is simply useless without its colossal teeth; the diabolical
pair of jaws which pulverizes its prey to inconspicuous shreds of bone,
A pentagon shaped diamond is simply useless without its shine; the scintillating glimmer that grants it the stupendous status of being the king of jewels,
A sacrosanct and rollicking cow is simply useless without its milk; the frosty pearls of life that trickle from its teats,
A slithering reptile is simply useless without its venom; the lethal poison that imparts it deadly tenacity to strangulate breath,
A century old giant watch is simply useless without its long needles; the lanky strips of iron which incessantly display accurate time,
A spider is simply useless without its silken web; the mystical strands of shimmering silver; on which it remains suspended till the time it lives,
A chunk of plain bread is simply useless without dazzling butter; the tangy taste that titillates the mouth when munched passionately with the same,
A slimy frog is simply useless without its cacophonic croak; its hoarse voice that wrecks out the last ounce of blissful sleep from all those in vicinity,
A scorpion is simply useless without is pugnacious sting; the animosity in its fangs; which bursts uninhibitedly when it strikes,
A cactus is simply useless without its thorns; the knife like protrusions which prevents it from being gobbled up,
A fan is simply useless without its blades; the white metal which generates tumultuous draughts of wind,
An elephant is simply useless without its tusks; the obdurate horns of ivory which portray its majesty; which help him uproot mighty trees,
A devil is simply useless without its satanic visage; the ghastly traces of malice hidden deep within his eyes, his thunderous voice which scares scores of innocuous individuals,
And man is simply useless without the mother who gave him birth; the girl who
loves him beyond limits of comprehension; who alongwith him is instrumental in
delivering the next generation; the people of tomorrow.
The greatest curse even after the most spell bindingly fructifying rain had fallen on blissful ground; was when the soil still didn’t burgeon the slightest; into the most brilliantly optimistic fruits of a resplendent tomorrow,
The greatest curse even after the most frostily undulating of waves had kissed the shores; was when the atmosphere still didn’t culminate the slightest; into the most rejuvenating sprays of unparalleled tanginess,
The greatest curse even after the most rhapsodically rambunctious bees had inhabited the hives; was when the crevices still didn’t scintillate the slightest; with the most poignantly enamoring cisterns of bewitching nectar,
The greatest curse even after the most blazingly dynamic of Sun had smooched the earth; was when the air still didn’t evolve the slightest; into the most unflinchingly unfettered beams of a victoriously fresh beginning,
The greatest curse even after the most beautifully enchanting of meadows had bathed under profoundly invincible moonlight; was when the grassblades still didn’t ooze the slightest; into the most tantalizingly euphoric of golden dewdrops,
The greatest curse even after the most candidly poignant mirror was placed beneath the pellucid afternoon Sun; was when the glass still didn’t reflect the slightest; into the most irrefutably truthful images of the soul,
The greatest curse even after the most iridescently silken moon twinkled in treacherously ghastly midnight; was when the darkness still didn’t dance the
slightest; into the most perennially effulgent beams of enlightenment,
The greatest curse even after the most ebullient waterfalls of newborn water cascaded merrily at the rock bottom; was when the pathways still didn’t flower the slightest; into the most undaunted skies of ubiquitous excitement,
The greatest curse even after the most mellifluously congenial lips heavenly opened; was when the ambience still didn’t reverberate the slightest; into the most magically ameliorating tunes of compassionate togetherness,
The greatest curse even after the most altruistically benign saints endlessly sermonized the principles of peace and truth; was when the living organisms still
didn’t bloom the slightest; into the most uninhibitedly priceless bonds of impregnable friendship,
The greatest curse even after the most insuperable foundations of selflessness stretched to an infinite kilometers beneath soil; was when the structure still
didn’t waft the slightest; into the most Omnipotent apogees of unconquerable truth,
The greatest curse even after the most fearlessly peerless of patriots had shed their lives in the numbers of an infinite; was when the commoners still didn’t blaze the slightest; into the most celestial ideals of concord; symbiotism and everlasting freedom,
The greatest curse even after the most incomparably venerated cows grazed for hours immemorial; was when the teats still didn’t ripen the slightest; into the most infallibly impeccable globules of undefeated milk,
The greatest curse even after the most innocuously freshborn infant footsteps traversed indefinitely on ground; the pathways still didn’t spawn the slightest; into the most unlimited heavens of immeasurable holiness,
The greatest curse even after the most gloriously scarlet of roses swished in the vibrantly ecstatic breeze; the wind still didn’t enlighten the slightest; into the most unbridled gorges of unbelievably victorious scent,
The greatest curse even after the most honestly compassionate of parents dedicated every instant of their life to their offsprings; was when the children didn’t emanate the slightest; into the most limitlessly enthralling rainbows of unshakable gratitude,
The greatest curse even after the most eternally undying of nostrils tirelessly exhaled perpetual breath; was when the soul didn’t culminate the slightest; into the most Omnipresently mesmerizing traces of vivid life,
The greatest curse even after the most immortally passionate of heart exuded a boundless beats; was when the palpitations didn’t mushroom the slightest; into
the most Omnipotent paradises of unadulterated love,
And the greatest curse even after the most astoundingly virile of man and woman coalesced in the threads of sacred matrimony; was when the dwelling still didn’t glisten the slightest; into the most miraculously mischievous children of a quintessentially blessed God’s creation
It was the most cozy place on this Universe; engulfing you with poignant winds of compassionate warmth,
It was the most impregnable place on this Universe; magnificently sequestering you from every kind of acrimonious attack,
It was the most mesmerizing place on this Universe; where you had the time of your life; fantasizing in a land of impeccable fairies and mystical charm,
It was the most divinely place on this Universe; where the Omnipotent aura of Almighty lord lingered every instant,
It was the most playful place on this Universe; where you bounced and tossed wholeheartedly; to your ultimate heart’s content,
It was the most courageous place on this Universe; where you took the most stupendously exhilarating of initiative; and yet emerged full guns blazing,
It was the most opulent place on this Universe; fostering the richest elements of this planet; in its miraculous warmth,
It was the most blissful place on this Universe; where you rested in complete oblivion from the vagaries of this commercial planet; incessantly chanting the mantra of success,
It was the most spell binding place on this Universe; where each of your pious wishes manifested themselves into a perpetual reality,
It was the most vivacious place on this Universe; where you indulged in flurry of boisterously innocent activity; every unveiling second of the day; even late
hours past the heart of midnight,
It was the most sparkling place on this Universe; where your diminutive soul floated; bereft of the slightest of dirt and manipulative malice,
It was the most candid place on this Universe; where you came face to face with each hidden attribute of your impoverished persona,
It was the most melodious place on this Universe; where the tunes of absolutely fabulous heaven; transited you into an unconquerably celestial slumber,
It was the most cherished place on this Universe; for which even the strongest entity alive; ardently wished to inhabit once again,
It was the most grandiloquent place on this Universe; with each of its walls; deluging you in a world of incredulous royalty and oligarchic majesty,
It was the most enticing place on this Universe; inevitably retracting you from realms of treacherously lecherous and strangulating captivity,
It was the most humble place on this Universe; relentlessly teaching you to disseminate the essence of philanthropic love and peace; to the most remotest
corner of this Universe,
And it was the most immortal place on this Universe; not just harboring you for a numerical tenure of nine months; but instilling in you the unprecedented tenacity to take birth a countless times once again; and still be alive,
No it wasn’t any castle; or sky; or paradise; as you might presume; but a place where you actually came from; the place now indispensable to procreate your own progeny; the place none other than the GODLY WOMB.
I might have perhaps loved just my sacrosanct Mother and eternal beloved during the tenure of my entire diminutively impoverished life; by the blessings of the Omnipotent Lord,
But I loved them more than what the sweltering deserts could ever have loved; pricelessly resplendent droplets of rhapsodically mesmerizing rain.
I might have perhaps loved just my divinely mother and bountiful beloved during each unfurling moment of my parsimoniously destitute life; by the blessings of the
unassailable Lord,
But I loved them more than what lackadaisical mud could ever have loved; beautifully dazzling ray of Godly Sunshine.
I might have perhaps loved just my heavenly mother and triumphant beloved during every crimson dawn that unraveled in my penuriously short-statured life; by the blessings of the Omnipresent Lord,
But I loved them more than what dolorously beleaguered forests could ever have loved; fantastically enigmatic titillation.
I might have perhaps loved just my compassionate mother and newly-wed beloved during every hour that fabulously swept past my mercurially timid life; by
the blessings of the everlasting Lord,
But I loved them more than what the amorphously estranged sky could ever have loved; the vividly iridescent and spell binding rainbow.
I might have perhaps loved just my magnanimous mother and unflinching beloved during every shade of my inexplicably bereaved life; by the blessings of the Omniscient Lord,
But I loved them more than what the rambunctiously unruly bees could ever have loved; the timelessly redolent fragrance of the dew drop anointed and poignant rose.
I might have perhaps loved just my ubiquitous mother and seductive beloved during every wind that swept past my disastrously diminishing life; by the blessings of the unshakable Lord,
But I loved them more than what the ecstatically fluttering peacocks could ever have loved; the fathomlessly voluptuous expanse of enthrallingly silken clouds.
I might have perhaps loved just my priceless mother and inimitable beloved during every path that I tread in my stingily decrepit life; by the blessings of the unconquerable Lord,
But I loved them more than what the brutally emaciated shores could ever have loved; the ravishingly undulating swirl of jubilantly tangy waves.
I might have perhaps loved just my indomitable mother and humanitarian beloved during every breath that I exhaled in my nonchalantly oblivious life; by the blessings of the boundlessly proliferating Lord,
But I loved them more than what the remorsefully deserted mirror could ever have loved; the uninhibitedly sparkling ocean of celestial reflection.
I might have perhaps loved just my timeless mother and ingratiating beloved during every impediment that I encountered in my truculently abridged life; by the blessings of the limitlessly benign Lord,
But I loved them more than what the obnoxiously emaciated blades of sordid grass could ever have loved; the majestically shimmering cistern of tantalizing dewdrops.
And I wholeheartedly admit; that I might have perhaps loved just my blissful mother and gorgeous beloved during every beat that I throbbed in my obfuscatedly lugubrious life; by the blessings of the effulgently glowing Lord,
But I loved them more than what the devastatingly dying nostril could ever have loved; fragrantly mellifluous entrenchments of resplendently fresh breeze.
I might have consumed just an infinitesimal pint of it when I was an impeccably oblivious infant; hardly acclimatizing my taste buds with its eternal fragrance,
I might have consumed just a diminutive fraction of it when I was an innocuously inarticulate infant; hardly allowing it to blend with my freshly formed streams of crimson blood,
I might have consumed just a mercurial sip of it when I was a pristinely princely infant; hardly allowing its Omnipotently heavenly goodness to settle in the corners of my discovering mouth,
I might have consumed just a parsimonious rivulet of it when I was an incongruously disheveled infant; hardly letting its miraculously insuperable iridescence pacify my remorsefully traumatized thirst,
I might have consumed just an evanescent pinch of it when I was an incoherently unruly infant; hardly absorbing its everlastingly mesmerizing goodness in
the corners of my miserably asphyxiating throat,
I might have consumed just an ethereal speck of it when I was an inconspicuously measly infant; hardly feasting on its impregnably heavenly aura; to my tiny heart’s content,
I might have consumed just a fleeting bead of it when I was a fretfully wailing infant; hardly savoring its astronomical majesty with my crusts of minutely formed fresh teeth,
I might have consumed just a fugitive stream of it when I was a incessantly screeching infant; hardly realizing the spirit of Omnipresently egalitarian humanity; handsomely embedded in it,
I might have consumed just a disappearing mist of it when I was an incoherently feckless infant; hardly aware of its invincibly healing touch; as I all I did was sleep all day and moonless night,
I might have consumed just an insipid globule of it when I was an indefatigably crying infant; hardly gulping it even a trifle of it properly down
my teeny-weeny throat,
I might have consumed just a transient molehill of it when I was an ungainly staring infant; hardly bothered about its unconquerable nutritional value; as all that mattered to me was my toy cradle; toys and sleep,
I might have consumed just an ephemeral amount of it when I was an illiterately uncivilized infant; hardly envisaging the perennial armor of unflinching tenaciousness that it would enshroud me with; once it coalesced perfectly with my blood,
I might have consumed just a non-existent pinch of it when I was a ludicrously squealing infant; hardly comprehending the Omnipotent compassion behind its
dribbling towards my toddler lips,
I might have consumed just an invisible follicle of it when I was a preposterously unsuspecting infant; hardly placating the disastrously emaciated bowels of my tiny stomach with its gloriously godly flavor,
I might have consumed just a minuscule shadow of it when I was a discordantly groaning infant; hardly allowing its Omnipresent charisma to percolate through
my severely teething gums,
I might have consumed just a trailing gulp of it when I was a frantically searching infant; hardly feeling its regally marvelous goodness; enriching every pore of my newborn slimly skin,
I might have consumed just a vanishing potion of it when I was a haughtily pampered infant; hardly imbibing its timelessly blossoming resplendence; as I uncontrollably kicked every conceivable object in vicinity; with my miniature feet,
I might have consumed just a passing cascade of it when I was a quietly snoring infant; hardly having the sense to appreciate its magically formidable and euphorically endless tenacity,
O! Yes, I might have consumed just a fleeting fraction of it when I was an incoherently trembling infant; hardly feeling it as it timelessly blessed every
aspect of my existence; for infinite births more of mine,
But just that diminutive droplet of it; just that unnoticeable speck of it which I had unknowingly consumed; was enough for me to metamorphose the complexion of this estranged earth once again into a paradise; was enough for me to tower like the inferno of inimitably blazing truth for times immemorial; was enough for me to altruistically live and let live for a countless more heavenly lifetimes,
Such pricelessly immortal was the indomitable power of my; eternal mother’s milk.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so handsomely procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
infantile cry; overflowed with unfathomable oceans of glittering gold,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I baselessly rejoiced and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; miserably dithered in my impoverished life to carve a philanthropically blissful identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so majestically procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first baby cry; had an endless inundation of sparkling currency coin,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I parasitically feasted and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; pathetically staggered in my diminutive life to carve a synergistically blazing identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so wonderfully procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
incoherent cry; remained perpetually embellished with resplendently enamoring diamonds,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I derogatorily marauded and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; dismally stuttered in my truncated life to carve a celestially vibrant identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so marvelously procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first nimble cry; contained every speck of prosperity on this timeless planet,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I indiscriminately terrorized and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; meaninglessly quavered in my destined life to carve a beautifully magnanimous identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so amazingly procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
inaudible cry; had its foundations resting on an insurmountable mountain of pearls,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I savagely massacred and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; horrendously trembled in my penurious life to carve an iridescently kingly identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so gorgeously procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
incongruous cry; solely diffused the fragrance of everlastingly priceless richness,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I satanically splurged and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; gruesomely faltered in my pecuniary life to carve a spell bindingly righteous identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so divinely procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
evanescent cry; harbored countless trees from which gloriously fructified currency coin instead of leaves,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I ruthlessly blew and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; disdainfully lost in my flickering life to carve an enchantingly vivacious identity of my very own.
It wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so Omnipotently procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
meek cry; was the hub of all state-of-the art businesses that unfurled on the trajectory of this fathomless planet,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I insanely trampled and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; flagrantly wavered in my limited life to carve an ingratiatingly altruistic identity of my very own.
And it wasn’t the slightest in my hands to choose the parents who had so blessedly procreated me; nor was it my fault that the house in which I emitted my first
nervous cry; was the most indefatigably serenaded castle in the entire world since times immemorial,
But it would irrefutably be the greatest sin if I cold-bloodedly spat and took all their hard-earned wealth for granted; unscrupulously dithered in my indigent life to carve a harmoniously distinct identity of my very own.
I might have skittishly tossed and turned an unfathomable number of times in my impoverished life; fantastically replenishing every pore of my skin with the most majestically ingratiating of silk,
But it was only in the Omnisciently sacrosanct lap of my mother; that I blissfully closed my eyes to even the most remotest trace of obnoxious alien light; transited into eternally royal sleep.
I might have restlessly fidgeted and simmered an incomprehensible number of times in my destitute life; gloriously finding my way beneath a mountain of rhapsodic raspberry,
But it was only in the perpetually invincible lap of my mother; that I became oblivious to all unbearably manipulative drudgery of this satanic world; found the most blessedly heavenly of sleep.
I might have uncannily groped and wandered an endless number of times in my diminutive life; engulfing my nimble persona with the most euphorically vibrant of
But it was only in the aristocratically scintillating lap of my mother; that I irrevocably shut my eardrums to all abhorrently pugnacious hostility around me; fed my soul with the bountifully benign mantra of celestial sleep.
I might have irascibly choked and meandered a countless number of times in my feckless life; entrenching my intricate countenance with the finest of spell binding artistry,
But it was only in the effulgently priceless lap of my mother; that I huddled like an unconquerably handsome prince; slept like an angel having descended from
crimson sky; for times immemorial.
I might have preposterously stumbled and trembled an insurmountable number of times in my spurious life; overwhelming every rickety bone of my body with
untamed exuberance,
But it was only in the resplendently Omnipotent lap of my mother; that I wholesomely shrugged even the most ethereal insinuation of disdainful uncertainty;
embraced the cisterns of divine sleep for centuries unprecedented.
I might have inexorably wavered and quavered an indefatigable number of times in my minuscule life; feasting even the most inconspicuous bit of my flesh in the aisles of gorgeously unprecedented luxury,
But it was only in the indomitably pristine lap of my mother; that I uninhibitedly rejoiced far away from the salacious vagaries of this estranged planet; celestially surrendered all my dreariness to mellifluously enchanting sleep.
I might have perniciously sighed and grunted a limitless number of times in my insipid life; submerging all my sinister lacklusterness in the most poignantly undulating sea,
But it was only in the vividly fascinating lap of my mother; that I felt all priceless compassion on this Universe become my unassailable reflection; and my eyes forever rolled in the cradle of unhindered sleep.
I might have miserably simpered and sulked an inconceivable number of times in my mercurial life; inundating my truculently emaciated nostrils with the most divinely rose scent,
But it was only in the sacredly Omnipresent lap of my mother; that I felt reprieve from all traumatized pain and agony; catapulted towards the skies of unendingly
gratifying sleep.
And I might have relentlessly floundered and squatted an unimaginable number of times in my fugitive life; exquisitely designing the most luxurious hammock in
the world to placate my baseless nervousness,
But it was only in the triumphantly godly lap of my mother; that I became a refreshingly discovering child once again; snuggling close to her inimitably
mesmerizing redolence and timelessly slept
There’s a sweet little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to majestically blossom till the pinnacle of resplendently ingratiating prosperity,
There’s a mesmerizing little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to evolve into an unfathomably compassionate gorge of friendship; as tangy as the rhapsodically ebullient oceans,
There’s an enchanting little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to marvelously burgeon till times beyond iridescent eternity; and enthuse even the most obfuscatedly alien of our times,
There’s a euphoric little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to spawn like an insatiably fragrant flower of gorgeous companionship; as the Sun blazed vibrantly from behind the mellifluous hills,
There’s a poignant little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to enthrall even the most obsoletely dithering nerves in our beleaguered bodies; to the most stupendously unprecedented limits,
There’s a jubilant little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to ingratiatingly gallop to kiss the epitome of dazzling timelessness; and for
centuries immemorial,
There’s a victorious little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to Omnipotently transcend; over the pernicious precipices of our disastrously dwindling derogatorily manipulative souls,
There’s an innocuous little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to profoundly rejuvenate our bizarrely estranged senses; with the vivaciously
sacrosanct tonic of life,
There’s an embellished little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to majestically drape our insipidly feckless deliriousness; with cisterns of unsurpassable sensuousness,
There’s a fantastic little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to irrefutably overshadow our disparagingly deteriorating gloom; with fountains
of timeless happiness,
There’s an intriguing little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to invincibly sequester us in its bountiful swirl; fathomless kilometers away from the mortuary of inexplicable despair,
There’s an ecstatic little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to Omnisciently overpower our insurmountable battalion of idiosyncrasies; with the its magical ointment of godly freshness,
There’s a spell binding little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to encapsulate us in its panoramically vivid embrace; bless every aspect of our haplessly shattered existence; with the gorgeously fructifying elixir of life,
There’s an eclectic little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to weave the unconquerable spell of its royal artistry; upon our monotonously delinquent life,
There’s a sacrosanct little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to magnanimously bless our ominously extradited rhythm; with its benevolently
humanitarian beats,
There’s a sparkling little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to miraculously cleanse all our dastardly cloistered dirt; with its heaven of fathomless righteousness,
There’s a melodious little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to annihilate even the most mercurial trace of prejudiced paradoxism in our blood; with its tunes of celestially unassailable truth,
There’s a beautiful little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to enshroud us with philanthropic graciousness; insuperably conquering the cry of the ungainly devil with the winds of perennially uninhibited freedom,
There’s a mystical little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to everlastingly stupefy us with an entrenchment of impregnable newness; with the limitless enthuse of its pristine eyes,
And there’s an exhilarating little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to inundate the song of immortal love; in our forlornly disbelieving and satanically fretful lives
Only a mother could dress the impoverished child so insurmountably fantastically; like nobody else on this fathomlessly vibrant earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could educate the hapless child so indomitably handsomely; like nobody else on this boundlessly fragrant earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could appreciate the despairing child so insuperably amiably; like nobody else on this limitlessly serene earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could cuddle the trembling child so impeccably wonderfully; like nobody else on this endlessly enchanting earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could kiss the solitary child so blissfully compassionately; like nobody else on this beautifully vibrant earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could embrace the orphaned child so euphorically poignantly; like nobody else on this majestically exotic earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could enlighten the fretful child so royally enamoringly; like nobody else on this mystically effulgent earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could shield the decrepit child so unflinchingly invincibly; like nobody else on this fabulously mesmerizing earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could play with the discovering child so heavenly innocuously; like nobody else on this timelessly adorable earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could feed the emaciated child so ingratiatingly celestially; like nobody else on this triumphantly glorious earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could pray for the extradited child so insatiably unrelentingly; like nobody else on this gloriously bountiful earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could bless the maimed child so Omnipotently altruistically; like nobody else on this blazingly vivacious earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could immortalize the ostracized child so indomitably miraculously; like nobody else on this victoriously ebullient earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could understand the speechless child so irrefutably Omnisciently; like nobody else on this unsurpassably magnetic earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could patronize the lambasted child so unequivocally selflessly; like nobody else on this redolently resplendent earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could embellish the bruised child so eclectically artistically; like nobody else on this mellifluously robust earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could sing for the blind child so vividly tirelessly; like nobody else on this graciously magnanimous earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could mimic the mischievous child so spell bindingly joyously; like nobody else on this astoundingly fructifying earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could pacify the wailing child so sacredly abundantly; like nobody else on this regally aristocratic earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could defend the dilapidated child so intractably handsomely; like nobody else on this exquisitely panoramic earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could revitalize the dwindling child so Omnipresently fabulously; like nobody else on this insurmountably evolving earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
Only a mother could worship the destitute child so implacably faithfully; like nobody else on this limitlessly ardent earth; could ever dream of; or ever could,
And it was only a mother who could love the newborn child so perpetually radiantly; like nobody on this blessedly uninhibited earth; could ever dream of; or ever could.
My smile could perhaps have stirred you a trifle; drifting you an inconspicuous bit from your woefully tyrannical monotony,
But to her blissfully tinkling laughter; ebulliently danced the entire planet; with unsurpassable fervor; and timelessly outside.
My eyes could perhaps have punctuated you a trifle; casting an impression of transiently augmenting empathy; upon your luridly morass countenance,
But to her innocuously flirtatious winks; wonderfully cavorted the entire planet; with indefatigable mysticism; and tantalizingly outside.
My whispers could perhaps have enthralled you a trifle; ephemerally diverting your preposterously malicious mind towards an ocean of untamed enigma,
But to her mellifluously immaculate tunes; magically swayed the entire planet; with unrelenting euphoria; and vivaciously outside.
My muscles could perhaps have impressed you a trifle; capturing the crux of your imagination with the wand of miraculous machismo,
But to her divinely uninhibited selflessness; bountifully stooped the entire planet; with unparalleled obeisance; and celestially outside.
My eyebrows could perhaps have perpetuated you a trifle; engendering you to momentarily envisage the rhapsodically unknown; with their mischievously
resplendent twitching,
But to her fathomlessly poignant expressions; ingratiatingly resonated the entire planet; with perennial brotherhood; and ecstatically outside.
My shadow could perhaps have stupefied you a trifle; serenely placating your barbarously lambasted nerves; with the tonic of fugitive camaraderie,
But to her Omnipotently sacrosanct aura; symbiotically marched the entire planet; with the spirit of humanitarian bonding; and vibrantly outside.
My palms could perhaps have supported you a trifle; amiably sequestering your trembling flesh from the traitors; for just an infidel instant,
But to her invincibly everlasting uninhibitedness; perpetually sang the entire planet; with synergistically unblemished caring; and gloriously outside.
My fantasies could perhaps have enlightened you a trifle; fantastically enriching the fabric of your ignominiously dithering existence; for a few hours every day,
But to her unassailably enamoring genius; relentlessly proliferated the entire planet; with exuberantly charismatic newness; and Omnipresently outside.
My breath could perhaps have titillated you a trifle; miraculously reinvigorating your lividly deteriorating senses with the elixir of survival; for just an evanescent moment,
But to her insuperable cries of sparkling righteousness; effulgently radiated the entire planet; with undaunted resilience; and resplendently outside.
And my heart could perhaps have loved you a trifle; magnificently alleviating you of your inexplicably cancerous pain; for just an ethereal second every night,
But to the inimitably Godly beats of her newly born freshness; triumphantly throbbed the entire planet; with indomitably insatiable compassion; and immortally Outside.
Ingratiatingly heavenly scent was what majestically radiated; from the eyes of the poignantly everlasting and stupendously blossoming rose,
Fathomlessly enigmatic boundlessness was what enchantingly radiated; from the eyes of the crimson crested and regally bestowing sky,
Brilliantly shimmering graciousness was what incredulously radiated; from the eyes of the limitlessly eclectic and bountifully sparkling desert,
Immaculately blissful sacredness was what timelessly radiated; from the eyes of the vivaciously bouncing and freshly born child,
Eclectically magnificent empathy was what insatiably radiated; from the eyes of the vibrantly molding and surreally philandering artist,
Vividly tantalizing mischief was what flirtatiously radiated; from the eyes of the euphorically cavorting and rampantly swinging chimpanzee,
Ravishingly tangy boisterousness was what gregariously radiated; from the eyes of the tirelessly undulating and froth embellished sea,
Beautifully blessed sensuousness was what obeisantly radiated; from the eyes of the newly married and celestially fantasizing bride,
Fearlessly intrepid exhilaration was what patriotically radiated; from the eyes of the unflinchingly altruistic and insuperably dedicated soldier,
Rhapsodically enamoring merrymaking was what insurmountably radiated; from the eyes of the slender legged and seductively hopping grasshopper,
Invincibly innovative melody was what tirelessly radiated; from the eyes of the magically gifted and profusely sweet nightingale,
Indomitably rudimentary humility was what honesty radiated; from the eyes of the placidly charming and harmoniously fleetfooted sheep,
Flamboyantly unconquerable light was what Omnisciently radiated; from the eyes of the gloriously scarlet and benevolently enlightening Sun,
Unshakably priceless solidarity was what unassailably radiated; from the eyes of the philanthropically egalitarian and unequivocally uninhibited fortress of mankind,
Jubilantly fantastic oneness was what handsomely radiated; from the eyes of the blazingly courageous and indefatigably striving gladiator,
Charismatically unequivocal sweetness was what mellifluously radiated; from the eyes of the rambunctiously buzzing and serendipitously oozing bumble bee,
Sparklingly benevolent righteousness was what iridescently radiated; from the eyes of the impeccably selfless and perennially bonding wave of gorgeous humanity,
Immortally impregnable love was what aristocratically radiated; from the eyes of the passionately evergreen and robustly ardent lover,
And Omnipotently blessing Godliness was what unbeatably radiated; from the eyes of my blissfully sacrosanct and inimitably divine mother
To every triumphant smile of yours; she bounced like the ultimate walls of paradise; blooming like a festoon of freshly sprouting and everlastingly blissful roses,
To every celestial snore of yours; she felt like the most invincible queen on this colossal planet; caressing her invincibly majestic fingers through your curls; so that not even the most infinitesimal of evil on this earth; could ever dream of disturbing you,
To every mischievous cavorting of yours; she felt at the most incredulous epitome of camaraderie; showering upon you every happiness of her sacrosanct soul; for infinite more births of yours yet to unveil,
To every blazingly patriotic march of yours; she felt the most astronomically privileged organism on this boundless Universe; as tears of unconquerably royal
pride cascaded down her beautifully effulgent cheeks,
To every inexplicably traumatic pain of yours; she altruistically abdicated her countless nights worth of sleep; unflinchingly standing by your side; even as
licentiously lascivious leeches of bizarre disease pelted upon you from; every conceivable side,
To every ardently insatiable desire of yours; she bowed down in gloriously timid acquiescence; indefatigably searching even the most diminutive cranny of this earth; to procure you all eternally unassailable bliss,
To every inquisitively blank stare of yours; she boisterously reverberated like a magically placating fairy; magnanimously bestowing every plausibly fascinating answer in your frantically outstretched and restless lap,
To every mellifluously enchanting expression of yours; she swirled in unprecedented euphoria under the poignantly dancing clouds; stupendously replenishing each of her divine senses with your wave of endlessly sparkling jubilation,
To every astoundingly emollient accomplishment of yours; she scintillating applauded till beyond the realms of infinite infinity; uninhibitedly proclaiming your commemoration; to every entity that she encountered on this limitless globe,
To every ephemerally fugitive whisper of yours; she relentlessly groped even in the meadows of the most horrifically ghastly nothingness; to try and decipher the true meaning of your insipidly infidel prattling,
To every garrulously emaciated gnarl of yours; she magnificently embellished your satanically slavering palette; with the most fabulously redolent fruits of nature’s ingratiatingly panoramic creation,
To every euphorically untamed cry of yours; she liberated her sagacious persona of even the most lambastingly deleterious of tensions; tumultuously overjoyed at your blessedly momentous exultation,
To every immaculately impetuous stubbornness of yours; she gorgeously empathized with you like the Omnipotent Lord; bounteously fructifying your agonizingly wandering soul; till the last droplet of her blood flowed and shimmered into shine,
To every artistic eclecticism of yours; she beamed more celestially than Omnipresent sunshine; transpiring you to exuberantly surge forward; even as the ruthlessly conventional society outside murderously asphyxiated her of her final breath,
To every remorsefully unfinished dream of yours; she flew you on her wings of insuperably regale companionship; making you feel the most pricelessly endowed and surreally mesmerizing entity ever alive,
To every ebulliently vivacious word of yours; she implacably clapped till scarlet blood froze in her philanthropic veins; being a resplendently quintessential element of your enthusiasm in life; even as insane lunatics outside bawdily slandered at her charming graciousness,
To every disastrously financial crisis of yours; she handsomely emptied all wealth on this cosmos in your wailing palms; at times tawdrily trading her flesh to lecherously venomous thorns; in order to witness tinkling laughter on your face again,
To every insidiously inevitable betrayal of yours; she immortally inundated each beat of your gruesomely livid dereliction; with all the love that she could ever have assimilated; in this life and beyond,
And even as the uncouthly prejudiced world outside failed to recognize you even in the most brilliantly dazzling of sunlight; her Omniscient palms protected the most mercurial shades of your life from beneath her veritable grave; even before you could incongruously mumble mother.
I didn’t know who was his mother; the irrefutably sacrosanct womb which had evolved his impeccable contours,
I didn’t know who was his father; the revered principles of which; circulated faster than white lightening in his tender veins,
I didn’t know what was his name; the initials he incoherently embossed with his immaculately sweet little fingers,
I didn’t know what was his birthplace; the color of the cradle that must have witnessed his overwhelmingly surreal mischief,
I didn’t know what religion he belonged to; the inexplicable conglomerate of scriptures that were chanted on him; when he was just born,
I didn’t know the exact date of his cherished birth; the exact second when even the God's in the Universe must have inevitably stooped down to witness his
Omnipotent grace,
I didn’t know the words which he might have uttered just a minute ago; the rhapsodically innocent voice which must have incredulously enlightened the pallid atmosphere,
I didn’t know what were his likes and dislikes; the games he adored the most; the delicacies he delectably nibbled with his freshly protruding jaws,
I didn’t know what was his shoe size; the fabulously spongy rubber which tickled him voraciously on his diminutive feet,
I didn’t know what were the fantasies circulating through his vulnerable mind; the dream floating ebulliently in his inconspicuously beautiful brain cells,
I didn’t know who was his sister; the tiny angel who incessantly frolicked with him in the corridors of unsuspectingly playful fantasy,
I didn’t know why was he crying indefatigably; the things that mattered the most
to his mesmerizing heart,
I didn’t know the identity of his naughty friends; the robust chinned tiny stalwarts with whom he spent countless hours every single day,
I didn’t know the marks on his flesh since he emitted out his first cry; the spots which bestowed him with astronomical good luck in every unfurling aspect of
I didn’t know the school he went too; the clay which he fondled with in his magical palms; to chisel the most alluring shapes ever conceivable on this planet,
I didn’t know the hours which he went off to sleep everyday; deluging the ambience with baby snores; which were infact larger than the chapter called life,
I didn’t know the amount of milk he consumed; the fraternity of taste besieging
his daintily darling tongue,
I didn’t know what was the dwelling he inhabited; the celestial paths he transgressed; as he bounced uninhibitedly under the flaming Sun,
I didn’t know what was his destiny; the uncanny map of lines embedded on his mystically immortal palms,
And although I didn’t know anything about him; I still could sacrifice my life for him and infinite more of his kind this very instant; as he was Gods most precious creation; would always be loved for centuries unprecedented as a little child.
When the clouds in the cosmos wanted to have some fun; they clashed playfully against each other; fomenting heavenly droplets of liquid to tumble down in
rhapsodic frenzy,
When the waves in the undulating ocean wanted to have some fun; they rose and fell merrily with the exuberant breeze; culminating into a festoon of magnificently sparkling froth as they dissipated on the silver sands,
When the battalion of boisterous frogs wanted to have some fun; they bounced and frisked ebulliently after midnight; inundating the perpetually still atmosphere with their brazenly croaking voice,
When the solitary palms wanted to have some fun; they embedded themselves to unprecedented limits beneath majestic soil; thunderously clapped thereafter; to
sprinkle the granules in unanimous tandem,
When the fleet of fountain pens wanted to have some fun; they sketched overwhelmingly funny contours of their masters; emptying the blotted ink wholesomely on his tyrannically wretched face,
When the bells in the dilapidated castle wanted to have some fun; they commenced to nostalgically reverberate; drowning in sheer ecstasy of the euphorically tinkling sound,
When the bland glasses of water wanted to have some fun; they deliberately stumbled when offered to the unsuspecting visitor; drenching him disdainfully from head to toe with their clammy caress,
When the sonorously serious eyelids wanted to have some fun; they winked incessantly at passerby's; making them the inevitable darling of every flirtatious heart,
When the army of mischievous red ants wanted to have some fun; they surreptitiously clambered up the mammoth elephant's trunk; evoking him to thereby collapse helplessly towards pathetically cold ground,
When the morbidly aloof spider wanted to have some fun; it indefatigably ran up and down the periphery of its web; eventually deciding to perch on the honey coated biscuit placed by the luxuriously plush bedside,
When the conglomerate of lifelessly sprawled rubber bands wanted to have some fun; they stretched themselves to the most unfathomable limits; then contracted like a bullet in the robustly soft palms,
When the telephone wanted to have some fun; it pertinently rang in wee hours of the night; wrecking the spuriously rich politician from the realms of perennial sleep,
When the scorched tongue wanted to have some fun; it rampantly blurted out a string of baseless terminologies; kept chanting a baseless volley of expletives; even as the insurmountably corrupt business tycoon beside bathed in an ocean of exasperated sweat,
When the hideously gleaming razor wanted to have some fun; it ruthlessly scraped across the sergeant's moustache when he was in deep sleep; rendering him with only minuscule bits of his most treasured possession; as he awoke to the first unfurling of the morning light,
When the obdurate cricket balls wanted to have some fun; it horrendously hurled itself towards the dacoit's window; jerking him as well as the police from the corridors of divinely relaxation,
When the hordes of timid mice wanted to have some fun; they indiscriminately nibbled through colossal bundles of currency notes; stripping the sanctimoniously nefarious minister of his evil wealth and non-existent charm,
When the coalition of rambunctiously chirping birds wanted to have some fun; they emptied their unsurpassably stuffed morning bowels; on the diabolical terrorist's breakfast plate,
When the toweringly gargantuan grandfather clock wanted to have some fun; it slipped back by a complete hour; smiled a trifle as the preposterously busy city
was engulfed with a chaotic frenzy; with sane individuals running towards office in a jiffy; without a garment on their body,
And when I wanted to have some fun; all I did was to inadvertently stumble into the lap of my mother; peck on her cheeks; tie up her hair into boundless knots; then snore celestially in her palms shrugging all concerns of the mercenary world; once again embracing impeccable childhood; once again embracing those enchantingly cherished moments when I was a little child.
It was my luxury car; which I had purchased out of my own hard earned money; my countless hours of unrelenting perspiration,
It was my dungeon of glittering gold; which I had assimilated after marathon years of acrid perseverance and unending strife,
It was my palatial dwelling; which I had articulately constructed; splashing a slurry of water and soft cement with my very own hands,
It was my profusely embellished watch; which I had bought from the exotic showrooms of France; while philandering exuberantly through the intricate lanes of the intriguingly jeweled city,
It was my adorably immaculate shirt; which I had mended infinite times; so that it enveloped my skin delectably to designer perfection and charismatic grace,
It was my supremely handsome toy; which I had kept on my bedroom window; to amuse myself to unprecedented limits as I woke up from blissful sleep; with a jolt every dawn,
It was my tantalizingly alluring perfume; which I had extricated tenaciously from the roots of the ravishingly foliated rose tree,
It was my fantasy; which I perceived relentlessly day in and day out; without the slightest of respite; basking in the aisles of unfathomable desire and incomprehensible passion,
It was my tawny cat intensely embodied with silken fur; which I cuddled flirtatiously; before sleep and to thunderously spice my every night,
It was my scintillating diamond ring; which I intransigently admired for hours immemorial; sitting tranquilly beneath the enchanting beams of celestial moonshine,
It was my barrel of exorbitantly expensive rum; which I seductively sipped; to slip into a world of unsurpassable fantasy; miles away from the tyranny of this acrimonious world in the swirl of its voluptuously intoxicating charm,
It was my wardrobe of exquisitely glimmering pearls; inundating my eyes with fabulous light; when the world outside had started getting stringently appalling and hazily dim,
It was my impeccable handkerchief culminating into boundless knots; bearing the insignia of towering luminaries from all round the colossal globe,
It was my gargantuan assemblage of land; harboring a fathomless ensemble of delectable fruit and salubrious vegetable on its marvelously fecund foundations,
It was my emerald studded fountain pen; assisting me prolifically in my endeavor to write infinite lines of spell binding and wholesomely enthralling literature,
It was my consortium of contemporary factories; which manufactured and evolved the most intricate and dainty objects ever sighted on the surface of this vast planet,
It was my oligarchic ivory cigar; catapulting me vivaciously into the realms of seventh heaven; the instant I inhaled the most minuscule of its addictively titillating smoke,
It was my overwhelming inspiration and fortified tenacity; that saw me sail through the most acerbically Herculean task,
It was my resplendently silver cap which pompously augmented my inconspicuous demeanor; enticed the most seductive of damsels to come at whisker lengths from my shivering body,
It was my ostentatiously bulging tablet of luxury soap that produced the most captivating of scented froth; sent me into fits of tumultuous delight the moments I meekly caressed it on my dead skin,
And it was my perspiration; my efforts; my prudent sagaciousness; my inherent charm; my prolific prowess to procreate.etc.; but let me tell you O! revered Mother; this impoverished life of mine was given to me by you divinely grace; was rightfully yours for many more births yet to come.
The battalion of servants in vicinity loved you for your chivalrous tendencies; the benevolent disposition of your heart to cater to them with an egalitarian smile,
The dog wandering on the lawns loved you for giving him a juicy bone; overwhelmingly placating his famished gluttony for the hungry day to yet unveil,
The fleet of boisterous sparrows perched on the barren rooftops loved you for deluging their bowl with sparkling globules of water; delectably pacifying their thirst in the peak of acrimoniously sweltering summer,
The Man at the grocery store loved you for your benign mannerisms; the compassionately warm thanks you uttered; as you accomplished your every purchase,
The toddler crawling innocuously on the ground loved you for your intimate softness; the vivacious innocence with which you hoisted them high and handsome towards the misty sky,
The cat sitting on the fence loved you for the ravishingly frosty milk you fed it every dawn; irrefutably ensuring that it kept smacking its rubicund tongue for countless hours thereafter,
The widow residing next door loved you for your uninhibited support; the stupendous empathy with which you made her inexplicable tears a part of your own persevering life,
The ground through which you transgressed all day and night loved you for your voluptuously satiny caress; the unbelievably astronomical care you took to avoid the ruthless trampling of its soft granules,
The beggars trembling uncontrollably on the streets loved you for your profound sympathy; the profusely philanthropic attitude you displayed while feeding them with precious meals of bread and brime,
The succulent bunch of scarlet cherries loved you for embellishing them like a royal prince; placing them majestically on the icing of the valentine cake,
The orphans on the streets loved you for providing them with a place to rest; invincibly harboring them with loads of comforting warmth in the realms of the
perilously treacherous night,
The paintbrush lying still on the mantelpiece loved you for sketching mesmerizing lines of the landscape; imparting new life to the fathomlessly barren and dull sheets of dolorously dilapidated canvas,
The festoon of garish clothes stashed in the wardrobe loved you for meticulously ironing them; washing them scrupulously in an ocean of enchantingly bubbly foam,
The clouds floating in the cosmos loved you for admiring them till eternity; drowning yourself completely into the tantalizing blanket of their unparalleled glory,
The vibrantly gaudy butterflies fluttering in free space loved you for your youthful leap; the astoundingly incredulous way in which you rejoiced with them in the aisles of rampant fun and ecstatic frolic,
The freshly born infant loved you for your mischievous smile; the peck you gave it on its robust cheeks; fomenting it inevitably to euphorically bounce forward with newly discovered life,
The irascibly pertinent rat loved you for your unsurpassable pity; the incomprehensible mercy you portrayed by leaving it to gallivant like a king in the fields; after releasing it from the horrendously obnoxious mousetrap,
The Man of the house loved you for your unprecedented sense of responsibility; the incessant stream of love that kept pouring relentlessly and without the slightest of expectation from your divinely heart,
And I loved you O! Heavenly Mother for bearing me 9 months in your sacred womb; raising me up this big with perpetual longing and care; so that I could enjoy the world in its most fullest form today; coin plans to blissfully live for infinite more tomorrows.
When I sat under fulminating beams of the Sun; I felt an insatiable urge in my body to leap in untamed exhilaration and dance,
When I sat in front of the scintillating mirror; I felt like candidly analyzing even the most minuscule part of my persona,
When I sat beside the enchantingly serene riverside; I felt like nostalgically reminiscing the innocuous flurry of moments which had wholesomely enveloped my childhood,
When I sat by the profusely foliated tree; I felt like bouncing up and down like the vivacious squirrels; wistfully awaiting for the succulent fruits to harmoniously pour down; on my famished belly,
When I sat under the conglomerate of voluptuously exotic clouds; I felt like wandering with the heavenly fairies; fantasizing my mind to the most unprecedented limits,
When I sat eye to eye with the hideously ominous snake; I felt the adrenaline building inevitably in my bowels; a horrendously ghastly sensation encapsulating the whole of my body to puke out my morning breakfast,
When I sat on the stern of the grandiloquent ship; I felt younger than a wailing child; with the exuberant waves of the ocean; impregnating Herculean loads of rejuvenating energy in my dreary bones,
When I sat on a blanket of chilly snow; I felt numbing arrows of death stabbing me from all sides; the scarlet blood running robustly through my veins; freezing into rosy ice-cream,
When I sat on the panthers back; I felt for a moment to be the king of the jungle; although I had my heart in my bootlaces after a while had elapsed; and the beast snarled ferociously to its hearts content,
When I sat abreast a hive of swarming bees; I fantastically felt the cocoons of golden honey sandwiched handsomely in the pockets; however was soon transported several feet beneath my coffin; as the Queen maiden kissed me nimbly on my nose,
When I sat near the dolorously morbid grave; I felt tears of inexplicable agony well up my eyes; an uncanny wave of fear slowly engulf my blissful soul,
When I sat on a battalion of menacing crocodiles; I felt overwhelmingly excruciating pangs of pain; as the monsters ripped me apart till the last bone down my spine,
When I sat on the century old vacant throne; I felt like a majestically embellished royal prince; having been given the supreme reigns in my hands; to rule the township once again,
When I sat amidst an army of pot-bellied tortoise; I felt whirlpools of laziness circumvent my demeanor; an inexorably urge in my body to sleep in contentment till times immemorial,
When I sat on the splendidly striped dolphins; I felt like swirling in full fervor of boisterous life; rolling my visage in tumultuous frenzy with the splashing water,
When I sat on an island coated with disdainfully slimy oil; I felt like slipping indefatigably towards treacherous nothingness; with my grip on planet earth
slackening miserably as each second unveiled,
When I sat on the summit of the astronomically towering mountain; I felt the entire world was a box of insipid matchsticks; drank air into my lungs like a man inhaling his last breath,
When I sat at whisker lengths from my beloved; I felt infernos of invincible passion entrench my countenance; an irrefutable longing in my lips to caress her rubicund cheeks,
When I sat in front of the Creator's idol; I felt blessed in every single respect of existing life; emerged victorious from behind my vicious cloudburst of gloom; to spread the true essence of happiness,
While it was only when I sat close to my mother; that I felt I was the strongest man on this earth; divulging to her whatever circulated in the inner most compartments of my heart; and it was here that my world came to an abrupt end; and it was here that I discovered my true identity; and it was here that I slept immortally without the slightest of fear.
I longed for those moments when I was wading exuberantly in the sea; with the sun dazzling a full blossom on my animatedly rubicund skin,
I longed for those moments when I was in the heart of perpetually blissful sleep; with the stars glimmering enchantingly on my closed eyelids,
I longed for those moments when I was profoundly engrossed playing with my friends in the verdant fields; entirely oblivious to the monotonous vagaries of disillusioning routine life,
I longed for those moments when I was when I was nibbling cheese ravenously perched on my mothers lap; transiting into a divinely reverie; with her sacred
palms rubbing their mesmerizing magic on my forehead,
I longed for those moments when I teased and mischievously philandered with my sister; uninhibitedly blurting out to her whatever I liked and abhorred the most; in the quota of my short life,
I longed for those moments when I was gazing at the enigmatic newness of the freshly extruding grass blades; profusely tingling the blanket of golden dewdrops; with the big toe of my feet,
I longed for those moments when I was insurmountably lost in the corridors of magnificently enchanting fantasy; the stillness of the placid evening overpowering my senses,
I longed for those moments when I sat for unrelenting hours under the blazing Sun; lazing in incomprehensible agony and fun,
I longed for those moments; when I gallivanted through the perennially dense forests; profoundly admiring the majestic spider weaving its mystical web,
I longed for those moments; when I voraciously sketched the fiercely passionate outlines of the fading Sun; absorbing its kingly beams in entirety with the whites of my eye,
I longed for those moments; when I dug uninhibitedly through rain kissed soil; splashed a slurry of ecstatic mud all around in ebullient euphoria,
I longed for those moments; when I was fooling my stringently stern father; browsing through a myriad of fairy tales; the comic surreptitiously encapsulated within my history textbook,
I longed for those moments; when I was fabulously intrigued by the crimson colored festoon of clouds; watched the streaks of silver lightening tumble in a tantalizing flurry from the sky,
I longed for those moments; when I was feeding the protuberant crested pigeons with heavenly crusts of morning bread; chasing them as they embarked on the
adventurous expedition towards the sky,
I longed for those moments; when I spent countless nights on the trot envisaging my beloved's gorgeous countenance; ardently awaiting to feel her seductive breath,
I longed for those moments; when I was caught red handed for pilfering through the labyrinth of robust apples; and the farmer gave me an amicable peck on my cheek for my mischievous attribute,
I longed for those moments; when I sang any tune that swirled turbulently in my heart; darted as the most pampered child through every nook and cranny of the
palatial house,
I longed for those moments; when I was immaculately sucking my thumb; wholesomely unaware of the diabolical bloodshed; which went on indiscriminately on every trajectory of this vast planet,
And I insatiably longed for those moments when I was an impeccable child; rambunctiously bouncing in the arms of my mother; without the slightest blemish or malicious trace of the world outside; completely bereft of this battlefield of lechery and incorrigible lies; which unfortunately I as an adult today was entirely engulfed with.
You might brutally condemn her all day and treacherous night; disdainfully dismissing as the staggeringly weaker sex of this mystically gargantuan planet,
You might not allow her egalitarian opportunities in the fantastically contemporary world; saying that she was a lividly lousy misfit; to be working amongst
machismo men,
You might bawdily stare at every of her kind; with the diabolically lunatic hunger in your eyes; at times disastrously tainting her impeccably sacred identity,
You might hedonistically lambaste her since the very first cry of her beautiful birth; unrelentingly cursing your destiny; for not giving you the crusader to continue the name of your tribe,
You might truculently gouge her mesmerizing eyes; on the spurious pretext of adding more optimism in your life; while it was hardly an issue that she forlornly groped in the blind,
You might lecherously proclaim every iota of her pristine skin as profanely adulterated to the planet outside; just so that she could inexorably slave for
none other; than your unsavory stride,
You might intransigently abuse her as devastatingly illiterate; not construing the principles of management on this earth; as she swished her voluptuous hair under the profoundly blazing Morning Sun,
You might indiscriminately massacre her enchanting skull; on the feckless pretext that it had no brain; and would serve better when used as preposterous gibberish for the foolhardy pigs,
You might feed her just a single glass of parsimonious gutter water in the entire day; baselessly defending your theory that the male of the house; should extract every iota of nutrition to work; instead,
You might pay a deaf ear to her traumatized wails in her times of uncompromising duress; dismissing her to be entirely inconsequential and a piece of frigid shit; when compared to your swanky office interiors and computer files,
You might incarcerate her in fetid chains within the dustbins of your house; ruthlessly trading her flesh for a stupid wad of currency notes; that you could splurge on your champagne’s and designer perfumes; instead,
You might morbidly silence her with your mordantly ferocious voice; saying that her rhythmically soft whispers were like dead rat squeals; infront of your dynamically blazing countenance,
You might grotesquely mimic her priceless sensitivity; having an untamed guffaw soon thereafter; with your senseless compatriots on the politicians desk,
You might torturously use her as only a silken ornament for your every night; disposing her into oceans of avenging acid with nonchalant phlegmatism; as the first beams of Sun crept up in the sky,
You might wholeheartedly ridicule her bountiful compassion for humanity; the unsurpassable entrenchment of effeminate sensuousness that she left; on every trail that she haplessly wandered,
You might consider her vividly heavenly form to be an unsolicited burden on the trajectory of this globe; menacingly envisaging to use her live bones; embedded in the foundations of your sinister corporate office; instead,
You might perpetually grant her the status of a maid-servant in your opulent castle; proudly telling the world as to how faithfully she licked that extra iota of grime on your boots; so that you always shimmered like a prince; every unfurling minute of the day,
You might salaciously close even the most diminutive element of her breath; thrusting your 10 ton form directly on her immaculate face; just because the
ground beside you had no grass to sit,
You might ludicrously betray her of every shade of love in her impoverished life; tyrannically torching her divinely chest; just because the beats of her heart proved a trifle too loud for your nocturnal slumber,
And do you want O! Devilish Man; demonstrate your cannibalistically chauvinistic manpower to every single female on earth if you so choose; but remember that you in the first place weren’t born from invisible air;
It was female’s Omnipotent womb that bore you; it was a female’s Omnipotent womb that harnessed your every breath; it was a female’s Omnipotent womb that selflessly gave all its blood to evolve your fantastic brain; infact it was that very female’s Omnipotent womb; which gave you the power to desire; create; and what you sinfully wanted to devastate; today.
My entire life I kept frantically searching for it; at times in the most majestic of castles; while at times in the steps of that led to the freshly constructed temple of simplistically pink stone,
My entire life I kept desperately searching for it; at times in tempestuously jostling streets; while at times in the winds of perpetually tranquil and nondescript silence,
My entire life I kept disorientedly searching for it; at times in vibrantly soaring kites of fathomless sky; while at times in every terrestrial flock of sheep that nimbly wandered through the valley,
My entire life I kept unrelentingly searching for it; at times in patriotically blazing battlefields of unflinching bravery; while at times in every ethereal butterfly that fluttered past my unkempt kitchen window,
My entire life I kept disconsolately searching for it; at times in the enigmatically intrepid forests; while at times in orphaned ponds of rapaciously seductive rain water,
My entire life I kept indefatigably searching for it; at times in the rhapsodically ebullient entrenchment of clouds; while at times in the brilliantly scintillating epitome of the indomitably towering mountains,
My entire life I kept tirelessly searching for it; at times in the profoundly resplendent stars; while at times in the profusely honey embellished crevices; of
the rambunctiously frolicking hive,
My entire life I kept intransigently searching for it; at times in vapidly ramshackle hillocks of sordid clay; while at times in the effusively explicit reflection that emanated from the sheet of pellucid mirror,
My entire life I kept irrevocably searching for it; at times in playgrounds of humble innocuousness; while at times in the stonily inane blackness of the frigid winter night,
My entire life I kept hopelessly searching for it; at times in fathomless open spaces of crass nothingness; while at times in celestially tantalizing fairies having just descended from the cosmos,
My entire life I kept disgruntlingly searching for it; at times in regally tangy waters of the undulating ocean; while at times in vivaciously evanescent rainbows that brazenly swept across the horizons,
My entire life I kept limitlessly searching for it; at times in the ingeniously proliferating chapters of venerated earth; while at times in the transiently exotic fragrance of the fascinatingly seasonal rose,
My entire life I kept indiscriminately searching for it; at times in the blissfully untainted waters of the pristine Ganges; while at times in the uncanny stillness as crimson dusk transcended all in conceivable vicinity,
My entire life I kept restlessly searching for it; at times in the most contemporarily vivid of paraphernalia; while at times in the fantastically iridescent dew-drops lazily kissing lush green ground,
My entire life I kept timelessly searching for it; at times in meadows of propitious virility; while at times in the unitedly heavenly cluster of symbiotic mankind,
My entire life I kept frenetically searching for it; at times in uninhibitedly untamed wilderness; while at times in the most exquisitely garnished of freshly wedded brides,
My entire life I kept irretrievably searching for it; at times in unendingly silken fantasies; while at times in the fabric of the impeccably unblemished and ingratiating Moon,
My entire life I kept agonizingly searching for it; at times in mythically reverberating monasteries; while at times in the unequivocally cascading leaves of jubilantly burgeoning and magical autumn,
My entire life I kept unstoppably searching for it; at times in the paradise of incomprehensibly ardent desire; while at times in the most unfathomably emollient laps of priceless luxury,
Nonchalantly wasting countless precious hours of mine; eventually tasting the lackadaisically ghoulish corpses of defeat and maudlin disparity; for if at all I was going to find any trace of Godly truth on this Universe today; then it wasn’t going to be in opulent statutes of gold and silver; neither could the so called unconquerable politicians ever dream of harboring it even in the most ephemeral reflections of their hides,
For if there was indeed God on earth today; if there was indeed the spearhead of invincible truth left brilliantly radiating on this incarcerated planet today; then it wasn’t in Mother Nature which man had so mercilessly adulterated; but was infact in those mischievously darting shoulders just at whisker lengths from my body; in my newly born child’s immortal eyes.
There was a time when we frivolously hid behind the rocks; gallivanted on golden sands of the beach trying to catch each other,
While at the present moment we were sitting beside the fireplace; snuggling our hands deep inside the blanket.
There was a time when we experimented with umpteenth items of food in a single day; gulping each meal with gallons of inebriating beer,
While at the present moment we commenced each morning with a plethora of vitamins; relied on crushed fruit juices for nocturnal supper.
There was a time we spent marathon hours in the sweltering day clambering steep rocks; with our feet bereft of solid footwear,
While at the present moment we thoroughly leaned on our walking sticks for aplomb; were quite content to remain confined to the cozy interiors of our obsolete bedroom.
There was a time when we used to pummel each other in the ribs; violently pluck each other’s hair in intense indignation,
While at the present moment we hugged each other tightly at the slightest sign of thunder; shivered uncontrollably at hearing the word “crime”.
There was a time when we bathed under gushing white water streams; flinging our clothes at the tiniest insinuation of rain,
While at the present moment we anxiously waited for supply of fresh water; scrupulously switching on the geyser the night before we took a bath.
There was a time when we incessantly laughed; remained in boisterous spirits even during unearthly hours of dawn,
While at the present moment we appeared as taciturn as meditating saints; nostalgically reminiscing the events and days of our life.
There was a time when we used to wear a host of gaudy clothes; swirling uninhibitedly in the aisles of bombastic glamour, flaunting our fair skin as we transgressed the streets,
While at the present moment we were clad heavily in bulky coats and scarves; trying to save our flesh from the most diminutive draught of cold.
There was a time when we didn’t write addresses and phone numbers; priding ourselves in possessing the stupendous ability of remembering them,
While at the present moment we made sure we jotted down the most inconspicuous of detail; the most minuscule of information; so that we didn’t forget it the very next minute.
There was a time we could sight invisible lettering at far distances; without using any of the visual contrivances,
While at the present moment we found our eyes camouflaged behind abysmally thick glasses; and had to profusely screw our eyes in order to sight even the most magnified of images.
There was a time when we could snap obdurate sticks of sugarcane into two; with the mere caress of our formidable teeth,
While at the present moment we wore a pair of disdainful braces; thriving on boiled extracts of spongy rice.
There was a time when we deliberately put the decibel level of the music system to its highest; gyrating passionately under the shimmering moon,
While at the present moment we talked in inaudible whispers; shirking as far as possible from sources of obstreperous sound.
There was a time when we were entirely dependent on our parents; reverted to them in times of utter distress and tribulation,
While at the present moment we had grandchildren of our own; a battalion of siblings we had procreated in this vast world.
There was a time when we had just tied the matrimonial thread; with fantasies of unrelenting romance revolving turbulently through our minds,
While at the present moment we lay extremely old and shriveled; waiting to abdicate breath and blend our souls with the Creator.
She knew precisely when her baby would sweat; the things that perturbed him the most,
While he was profoundly oblivious to his surroundings; diligently mulling over the sheets of mundane office papers strewn haphazardly on his desk.
She tossed her baby high in the air; scrupulously catching him in her arms;cuddling it with her perennial warmth,
While the moment he caressed it with his barbaric palms; it started to obstreperously cry.
She pinched her baby dexterously on umpteenth regions of his flesh; prompting him to inevitably smile,
While he guffawed on the phone with his business partner; made the child tremble by the impact of his hoarse voice.
She ran waywardly in the spongy grass; trying to chase her baby; instigating him to utilize his tiny feet,
While he admonished the toddler stringently; rebuking him for partially dismantling the furniture.
She bathed her baby in a concoction of soft soap and tones of soapy froth;
afterwards allowing him to randomly roll in the wet mud,
While he stared unrelentingly at the computer with open mouthed consternation;
slapped the toddler when he noticed the disdainful blemishes that it had left on the immaculate floor.
She incessantly kept her child in her arms for indefatigable hours until it slept;
chanting a blend of fairy tale and music to pacify its mind,
While he snatched him savagely from her hands; shoving him roughly in his cradle;
ordered her to get ready for the ostentatious party.
She bought her baby a battalion of innovative toys; amusing him by ringing jingling bells in his intricate ear,
While he yelled at her for wasting exorbitant amounts investing in the plastic; slammed the door behind her back and retired to sleep.
She devoted marathon hours in the day; endeavoring to teach her baby to coherently speak and write,
While he castigated her; locked the child in a room; complaining that she didn’t pay attention to his overwhelming tiredness.
She couldn’t bear the tyranny of staying even a minute away from her child; keeping him in close proximity 24 hours unleashing in the entire day,
While he would go on tours for fortnights on the trot; many a times forgetting that he had procreated his sibling.
She had earned no money for herself; neither was she ambitious for surreal fame; her proudest possession being her innocuous toddler,
Was tenaciously involved in maintaining the plethora of tasks circumventing her household; refraining entirely to confront the monotonous world,
Yet being penurious; she proclaimed herself to be the richest in this world; as she was the perfect mother; what we could define in common parlance as the perfect housewife.
When I took a ride in the aircraft flying at unprecedented heights; I initially felt besieged by waves of tumultuous exhilaration,
I was immensely enjoying my expedition; when suddenly the plane nose-dived towards the ground; and I found myself pulverized to splinters; along with the plush upholstery.
When I took a ride in the submarine transgressing through fathomless depths of seawater; there was an overwhelming feeling of conquering the aquatic world; that circumvented my persona,
However after a while I felt uneasy envisaging the exorbitant rates that I had paid for the journey; also a trifle harried at witnessing minuscule droplets of water leaking through its body
When I took a ride in the swanky car; dictating a volley of orders to the meticulously dressed chauffeur; I felt like an uncrowned king,
Although infinite strands of hair stood up in poignant alacrity; a river of sweat descended down my cheek; when he acrimoniously retorted back compressing the accelerator to full angularity; and the automobile sky rocketed into the menacing rocks.
When I took a ride on a donkey; the innocuous creature unflinchingly compromised to my bulky weight,
But my felicity wasn’t to last for long; as after a while it violently tossed me high in the air; eventually toppling me on the ground to make me lick disdainful mud from my face.
When I took a ride in the city bus; I felt insurmountably secure while at the same time paying inconspicuous rates for the travel,
However after a few minutes the atmosphere became thoroughly claustrophobic; and there was an incessant pandemonium of unruly voices drifting in my ears.
When I took a ride sitting on the mammoth elephant; profoundly admiring the panoramic view that unleashed itself while trespassing through the dense forests; I felt stabbed by an ocean of wild rhapsody,
Although after a while when the beast got exhausted; it petulantly sprayed a fountain of water on my face; hoisting the same from the monsoon river.
When I took a ride on a primordial bicycle; in the beginning I felt spurts of robust enthusiasm rise high in my blood,
However after unrelentingly pedaling in the sun; my feet got immensely dreary and I collapsed in a bedraggled heap on the earth.
When I took a ride in the gigantic and revolving Ferris wheel; I perceived the entire world as a dancing fairy,
Although as time elapsed my head started to inevitably feel heavy; my eyes looked supremely bleary; and there were irascible sensations to puke out what I had just eaten for supper.
When I took a ride on the preposterously huge whale; clinging tightly to its magnificent back; I felt stupendous freshness of the ocean winds inundate my nostrils,
I also conceived of being in paradise; with the terrestrial planet being several miles from my sight; however my ecstasy was short lived as the fish got ravenous after a few moments and devoured me like a mosquito.
And I have now no inhibitions in divulging that the best ride; I ever had in my life was when I was a unscrupulous child tightly straddled to the back of my mother,
Relishing the perennial warmth of her effeminate scent; the stringent admonitions she gave me for not consuming my morning milk; and the magical caress of her hands through thin wisps of newly formed hair
Ominous clouds in the cosmos had forgotten to shower droplets of transparent rain,
Colossal deserts refrained from forming whirlpools of sand; with the blowing wind,
Swirling waters of the boundless ocean; didn’t culminate into escalating waves,
Bedsheets of white snow on the mountain slopes; incorrigibly refused to melt,
Scores of boisterous birds nestled on towering treetops; shut their beaks tight even as the lion came,
Incongruous stones didn’t produce the slightest of noise; when they collided with obdurate earth,
Gargantuan reptiles wandering through meadows of tranquil grass; refrained from devouring succulent prey,
Unruly dogs on the street; didn’t erupt into volleys of hoarse barking,
Blossoming lotus in the pond; didn’t show signs of shriveling at the onset of evanescent dusk,
Battalions of venomous mosquitoes; seemed to have temporarily lost their acrimonious sting,
Fountains of blistering lava; circulated blissfully within the crevices of earth instead of fulminating,
Waterfalls of crystal foam froze midway down the slopes; with their thunderous gurgling now transformed into stony silence,
Dense foliage of tree leaves refused to rustle; with mighty draughts of afternoon wind,
Opalescent butterflies in the garden; ceased to vivaciously flutter,
Silver crested dolphins in the pool; refrained to acrobatically somersault high towards the ceiling,
Mischievous monkeys didn’t swing between trees; entwined their long tails placidly amidst the branches,
Long legged spiders refused to traverse across their periphery of intricately suspended silver cobwebs,
Time seemed to have stopped momentarily; with every second unwinding refraining to unleash into a minute further,
The entity of omnipotent God loomed large in my palms; now submerging my impoverished persona into waves of supreme exultation,
It was no miracle folks; I was overwhelmingly proud to declare that I had become a father; even as the first wails of my newly born child blended with the atmosphere.
Compassion; I can understand was extremely indispensable; so that it always felt the most invincible organism alive; so that it remained close to your befriending chest; in the midst of this treacherously pulverizing planet,
Laughter; I can understand was unassailably indispensable; so that it never ever stagnated in the coffins of despicable solitariness; so that it perennially felt that life was an unconquerably cheerful flower; blossoming in your arms,
Literacy; I can understand was peerlessly indispensable; so that it was articulately well versed with the pro’s and con’s of inexplicable existence; so that it could walk shoulder to shoulder with tomorrows contemporarily eclectic society,
Food; I can understand was victoriously indispensable; so that it’s veins indefatigably evolved into fresh blood; so that its tiny buds of arms and legs; spawned into handsome pillars of unflinching solidarity; one fine day,
Schooling; I can understand was ubiquitously indispensable; so that it triumphantly broke shackles of rustically bohemian homeliness; so that it slowly and painstakingly learnt the norms of a well-mannered and cultured civilization,
Music; I can understand was eternally indispensable; so that it rejoiced forever to the tunes of divinely mother nature; so that its inevitably frazzled brain remained timelessly rejuvenated,
Play; I can understand was poignantly indispensable; so that it perpetually floated in the silken mists of innocuous mischief; so that it forever and ever and ever remained wholesomely oblivious and far away; from the politics of fetid manipulation,
Humanity; I can understand was impregnably indispensable; so that it was tirelessly apprized of the greatest religion on planet earth; so that it was interminably acquainted with its most pricelessly inimitable rudiments,
Enlightenment; I can understand was unshakably indispensable; so that it remained inspired to the most unprecedented limits even when the world seemed to abruptly end; so that it learnt to get up as quickly as it haplessly fell,
Gifts; I can understand were beautifully indispensable; so that it always felt infallibly cared for; so that it unceasingly gallivanted like the crown prince; a status it unstoppably deserved,
Concentration; I can understand was wonderfully indispensable; so that it learnt that true dedication could melt even the most uncouthly obdurate of stones; so that it inexhaustibly strived towards perfection and its ultimate philanthropic goal,
Exercise; I can understand was bounteously indispensable; so that it exuberantly utilized the nonchalantly idle limbs in its body; so that it ecstatically pumped in fresh blood and breath into its majestic form,
Revision; I can understand was indisputably indispensable; so that it never forgot the quintessential aspects of life; so that it holistically adhered to the most sagaciously effulgent principles of existence,
Adventure; I can understand was jubilantly indispensable; so that it recharged every of its nerves with the spirit of the magnetically uncanny; so that it ebulliently crept through the inscrutably subliming treasures of mother earth,
Signature; I can understand was celestially indispensable; so that it perseveringly learnt to find its own identity; so that it embraced the winds of independence with unassailably unfettered integrity,
Sweat; I can understand was royally indispensable; so that it realized that hard work was the sole path to success; so that it forever stayed away from insidious charlatans of destiny and charts of its palmistry at birth,
Empathy; I can understand was unchallangably indispensable; so that it learnt that the greatest power on this earth was that of brotherhood; so that it learnt to commiserate with all those in intransigent trauma and pain,
Truth; I can understand was irrefutably indispensable; so that it always saw an unconquerably unprejudiced mirror of its ownself; so that it harmoniously
disseminated the ideals of peace and righteousness to one and all; till its very last breath,
Love; I can understand was cardinally indispensable; so that its tiny heart was forever replete with the mantra of symbiotic unity; so that it towered above every single element of this Universe and in the flames of faithful belonging; even after an infinite deaths,
But more importantly than anything; if you wanted to give all of the above and an infinite more good in its impeccably iridescent upbringing; then if nothing else; you first and foremost have to learn to altruistically sacrifice; which is infact the other name of successfully nurturing; harnessing; and bringing up your child.
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many insane parts would you divide your new-born child’s eternal happiness; after your treacherously vindictive divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many heartless parts would you divide your new-born child’s invincible freedom; after your venomously unbearable divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many ribald parts would you divide your new-born child’s unsurpassable creativity; after your lethally unceremonious divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many salacious parts would you divide your new-born child’s majestic destiny; after your lecherously ignominious divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many emotionless parts would you divide your new-born child’s triumphant spirit; after your contemptuously debasing divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many terrorizing parts would you divide your new-born child’s unbridled fantasies; after your abhorrently cadaverous divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many excruciating parts would you divide your new-born child’s humanitarian blood; after your cold-bloodedly cannibalistic divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many tyrannized parts would you divide your new-born child’s unconquerable artistry; after your violently besmirching divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many reproachful parts would you divide your new-born child’s redolent playfulness; after your despicably devastating divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many sacrilegious parts would you divide your new-born child’s impregnable mischief; after your sadistically bemoaning divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many wanton parts would you divide your new-born child’s impeccable
integrity; after your hedonistically carnivorous divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many ghoulish parts would you divide your new-born child’s limitless fertility; after your mindlessly malicious divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many diabolical parts would you divide your new- born child’s infallible innocence; after your unforgivably truculent divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many vengeful parts would you divide your new-born child’s uninhibited cries; after your preposterously bigoted divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many criminal parts would you divide your new-born child’s princely
silkenness; after your tempestuously confounding divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many satanic parts would you divide your new-born child’s tiny brain;
after your barbarously ungainly divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many sadistic parts would you divide your new-born child’s unlimited curiosity; after your egregiously dastardly divorce?
You might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but into how many carnivorous parts would you divide your new-born child’s parental longing; after your inanely decrepit divorce?
And you might legally divide each other from the bonds of immortal marriage; but tell me; into how many goddamned parts would you divide your new-born child’s immortal love; after your devilishly vituperative divorce?
Of course there were billions who called me a blighted coward; not attending corporate office for even one single day in my entire life; eccentrically sequestering myself from the entire Universe; to indefatigably pen priceless poetry,
Of course there were billions who called me an ugly duckling; as virtually every conceivable cranny of my skin; was perniciously maligned with an infinite
pigments of murderously cannibalistic blackness,
Of course there were billions who called me obsessively delirious; for seizing upon the most ephemerally non-existent ingredients of the atmosphere; and then inexplicably pursuing the same till the aisles of infinite infinity,
Of course there were billions who called me unceremoniously bohemian; for existing so unabashedly rustically in the heart of the extraordinarily contemporary society; even after receiving the best education of my times,
Of course there were billions who called me flagrantly doomed; for so openly castigating every established norm of the turgidly conventional society; trying to defy the mortuary of robotic shrewdness; with the clouds of immortal love,
Of course there were billions who called me an absolutely dogmatic fool; for expending every bit of my hard earned wealth; to forever unite two jilted lovers horrendously separated due to differences of the currency coin,
Of course there were billions who called me pugnaciously ballistic; as I instantaneously swished the gleaming sword from my scepter; at the tiniest insinuation of danger or gratuitous invasion to my motherland,
Of course there were billions who called me fecklessly truthful loser; as I chose to tread on the path of infallible righteousness laden with a zillion acrimonious thorns; rather than easily galloping on the shortcuts to success; which so copiously inhabited planet earth today,
Of course there were billions who called me cursedly impotent; as I had my very first child several years after marriage; and after a countless visits to every Omnipotent temple; church; monastery and mosque on this boundlessly blessed planet,
Of course there were billions who called me salaciously sinful; as I insuperably believed that perennially unshakable marriage happened the instant both hearts met; and without the tiniest of ceremony or sanctimoniously rigorous tradition,
Of course there were billions who called me bizarrely agnostic; as I didn’t believe in several God’s/Goddesses; but timelessly envisaged the Creator to be
undefeatedly one,
Of course there were billions who called me blasphemously unforgivable; as I uninhibitedly philandered with a countless women all my life; profoundly and inevitably attracted to the unlimited fructification of the female kind,
Of course there were billions who called me cadaverously jinxed; as every tangible or intangible project that I undertook in the tenure of my impoverished life; treacherously landed me upside down into the most wretchedly penalizing of my grave,
Of course there were billions who called me deplorably impractical; as every decision of mine taken from the heart found me haplessly begging on the sordidly cold-blooded streets; whilst those with an articulately pragmatic mind; astutely raced forward in the most brilliantly opulent of Mercedes,
Of course there were billions who called me worthlessly artistic; as although I’d sketched an infinite paintings; yet they still lay despicably decaying under the most blazing of Sun; for severely indispensable want of true takers and connoisseurs,
Of course there were billions who called me inveterately feminine; as I unlimitedly desired to cuddle inside the compassionate interiors of my dwelling all night and day; tirelessly fantasizing and altruistically contenting myself to just household chores,
Of course there were billions who called me intolerably eccentric; as every single habit and action of mine led me further and further into the most ominously blackened labyrinths of reclusiveness; being so extraordinarily different from the rest of the world outside,
Of course there were billions who called me an escapist misanthrope; as I shrugged almost every other human on this endlessly burgeoning planet; for still being a slave of commercially diabolical politics; when infact Omnipresent Universe was created; is; and shall forever remain ecstatically free,
And then there was this sole and only voice of my new born daughter amidst all this iconoclastic mayhem; inimitably calling me “Father”; which perpetually bestowed upon me the power to unflinchingly tower over each of one of these billions; which perpetually bestowed upon me the power to outsmart each one of these billions; which perpetually bestowed upon me the power to conquer the venomous devil in each one of these billions
When I was with them; I felt as if all my tensions had waded forever into thin wisps of oblivion; profoundly enthused by their smiles,
When I was with them; I felt the most strongest entity alive; ready to plunge on into the valley of brazing adventure; with both my eyes tightly closed,
When I was with them; I felt all my unfinished longings come to a celestial rest; cuddling their marvelously innocent chin,
When I was with them; I felt as if all crime on earth had ceased; profusely blending with the Omnipotent light in their eyes,
When I was with them; I felt that there were angels wandering on every quarter of the planet; fervently captivated by the captivating enigma in their persona,
When I was with them; I felt enveloped by boundlessly enthralling colors of harmony; incredulously spell bound by the immaculate melody that drifted spontaneously from their mouths,
When I was with them; I felt as if I had washed all my sins of past life; ecstatically hoisting their eternal visages upon my shoulders,
When I was with them; I felt adorned in an ocean of mesmerizing silk; watching them rhapsodically roll and frolic in the shimmering sands,
When I was with them; I felt floating in a land of surreal enchantment; as they astoundingly rejoiced in an entrenchment of their own; far away from the world
of manipulative lechery and sin,
When I was with them; I felt reborn every unfurling minute; as they blossomed into relentlessly tireless energy; exuberantly cascading into a stream of perpetual happiness,
When I was with them; I felt as if God was with me on every step I tread; insatiably lost in their rampantly innocent freedom; diffusing into a cloud of unparalleled entertainment,
When I was with them; I felt inundated with unprecedented joy; transiting back into realms of fantastically charming childhood; as they stirred the inner most chords of my heart; with the majestic harmony in their voice,
When I was with them; I felt discovering an incomprehensible battalion of excitement every instant; witnessing the everlasting newness in their souls,
When I was with them; I felt as if I belonged to the most complete family on this planet; no longer feeling that I was an impoverished again,
When I was with them; I felt all my disastrously frazzled senses replenish with the ultimate gifts of life; as they immortalized the spirit of existence with the enchantment of their hearts,
When I was with them; I felt as secure as I used too in my perished mothers lap; as they uninhibitedly embraced me; without their blood being exactly the same as mine,
When I was with them; I felt the gorgeous skies shower upon countless blessings upon mankind; as they disseminated the perennial message of Omnipresent love
and peace to the most obsolete corner of this Universe,
When I was them; I felt the most irrefutably richest man alive without a penny in my ragamuffin pockets; as I held their spotlessly truthful bodies close to mine,
For these children were the best thing that could have happened to the core of vindictively fighting earth; as I ardently prayed to Almighty Lord; to once again
transform me into a child.
Although he was pathetically diminutive; she still considered him to be the most towering entity on this fathomless planet; blessing her more than the Almighty,
Although he stammered disdainfully at every word; she still considered him to be the greatest singer ever born; with his stupendous melody invincibly enriching her devastated senses,
Although he was as black as horrendously charred charcoal; she still considered him to be more scintillating; than the ferociously flamboyant Sun; deluging her moments of despairing blackness with optimistic hope,
Although he horrifically muddled every word he wrote; she still considered him to be an overwhelmingly passionate poet; flooding every aspect of her impoverished life with unprecedented happiness,
Although he fought cats and dogs with his neighboring comrades; she still considered him to be an apostle of peace; a messiah enlightening each path of her dwindling life,
Although he stood bizarrely last in the entire class; she still considered him to be the most intelligent organism on this Universe; unrelentingly pampering even the most minuscule of his desire; with the profound compassion in her soul,
Although he always stumbled ludicrously towards the ground even on his formidably secure tricycle; she still considered him to be as incredulously winning sportsman; winning every medal for her ardently throbbing heart,
Although he was preposterously fat like a rotund tomato; she still considered him to be handsomely charismatic; the most redolent rose blossoming in her barren garden,
Although he was a disastrous failure in every aspect of life that he ventured into; she still considered him to be a profuse philanthropist; alleviating her from her corpse; to sit on the irrefutably embellished throne,
Although he was a disgustingly deplorable cook; burning each meal that he endeavored to prepare; she still considered him to be a silken angel; appeasing her traumatic hunger for centuries immemorial,
Although he was unprecedentedly mischievous; she still considered him as the most gentle individual alive; as he lit up an everlasting smile upon her severely mutilated lips,
Although he philandered aimlessly through the dusty streets; clad only in threadbare rags of jute; she still considered him to be the richest entity alive; inundating each moment of her survival with unfathomable endowment from the heavens,
Although he was insurmountably fastidious about the everything in life; she still considered him to be a royal prince; catering to even the most inconspicuous
of his commands; bouncing in perennial youth everytime she swung him in her arms,
Although he irascibly snored while fast asleep; she still considered him a celestial harbinger of perpetual peace; wading away the most tiniest of tensions from her miserably claustrophobic life,
Although he unsurpassably revolted against the conventionally monotonous society; she still considered him to be the most resplendently sparkling star in sky; illuminating the gruesomely shivering interiors of her dwelling with enchantingly Godly light,
Although he broke everything that he hoisted in his rustically bohemian palms; she still considered him to be an unshakable idol of solidarity; magnificently comforting her in her times of despondently crumbling distress,
Although he was a rampantly free bird; gallivanting at unchallengable will to even the most remotest corner of the globe; she still considered him to be the most pricelessly precious ornament of her countenance; impregnating her lost soul with tumultuous happiness,
Although he deteriorated like a pack of soggy matchsticks; even before alighting a single foot; she still considered him to be the strongest man alive; rescuing her orphaned life; replenishing it with the rhapsodic essence of existence,
And although he did everything wrong; losing all that he had in his truncated lifespan even before he had acquired it; she still considered him to be her only God; her only savior; the only power that bestowed upon her the astronomical prowess to take birth; a countless more number of times,
As she was his sacrosanct mother; and he was; and would immortally remain; forever as her immortally impeccable child.
Before you snobbishly kick them with your unwashed shoe; indiscriminately treat them like a piece of lackadaisically infinitesimal and threadbare shit; for not cleaning the floors before you drunkardly arrived,
Remember that one day the strokes of inevitability
would make you as weak and agonizingly old like they way they were today; with your kin mercilessly lambasting you more truculently than what you did to them; dared or horrifically dreamt.
Before you torturously abuse them for not listening properly to the most invidiously preposterous of your commands; cacophonically screaming into their ears in
an attempt to open their ailing pores wide,
Remember that one day the infernos of inevitability would make you as deaf; ineptly accurate and old; like the way they were today; with your kin unsparingly pulverizing the chords of your blissful existence more criminally; than what you did to them; dared or sinfully dreamt.
Before you flagrantly spit on them for snatching the spice from your life; ruthlessly chaining their hands and knees; so that they didn’t interfere the slightest in your licentious merry-making; vixen and nubile wine,
Remember that one day the corridors of inevitability would make you as debilitatingly diseased and old; like the way they were today; with your kin blinding you beyond the realms of recognition more lethally; than what you did to them; dared or ostracizingly
Before you treacherously maim them with thorns of acridly whipping hatred in their feet; just because they disturbed your pompously pretentious sleep with their innocuous coughing,
Remember that one day the clouds of inevitability would make you as pathetically withering and old; like the way they were today; with your kin sardonically feeding the last bone of your spine to the dogs more abominably; than what you did to them; dared or heinously dreamt.
Before you vindictively terrorize them with your obnoxiously hired hoodlums; just because their saggingly fatigued shoulders dithered to carry you all the way; across to your silly striped Mercedes,
Remember that one day the mists of inevitability would make you as morosely dreary and old; like the way the were today; with your kin brutally gouging your innocent eyes more grotesquely; than what you did to them; dared or fretfully dreamt.
Before you rebuke them like a rotting coffin of shit; thrashing them black and blue in front of the entire world; just because they didn’t give you money to gamble; enshroud yourself with the winds of savage narcotics,
Remember that one day the dungeons of inevitability would make you as haplessly bruised and old; like the way they were today; with your kin slitting the veins of your throat more vengefully; than what you did to them; dared or
ignominiously dreamt.
Before you insidiously try and poison the every morsel of food that they impeccably devoured; just because their sagaciously pious school of thought didn’t match shade by shade to your maliciously adulterated mind,
Remember that one day the rivers of inevitability would make you as eccentrically rigid and old; like the way they were today; with your kin preferring to consume your meat rather than that of the chickens and more insanely; than what you did to them; dared; or penalizingly dreamt.
Before you threatening thwart the passage of their spell binding breath; just because they cried in hysterical pain infront of you and embraced you like no one else on this planet ever did,
Remember that one day the fortresses of inevitability would make you as helplessly bereaved and old; like the way they were today; with your kin laying the foundations of their castles more lecherously upon your dead body; than what you did to them; dared; or gorily dreamt.
And before you snatch the remaining love in their already diminishing lives; just because they compassionately uttered your name before your manipulatively tycoon friends; in their wonderfully quavering and enigmatic voice,
Remember that one day the waves of inevitability would make you as nervously betrayed and old; like they way they were today; with your kin maniacally spitting on the beats of your hearts before roasting them and feeding them to the pigs more indescribably; than what you did to them; dared; or egregiously dreamt.
For them; there was simply no difference between the diminutively poor and the unfathomably rich; as they considered both to be symbiotically blending and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the preposterously obese and the parsimoniously thin; as they considered both to be gregariously melanging and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the unprecedentedly black and the spuriously white; as they considered both to be handsomely opulent and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the overwhelmingly tall and absurdly short; as they considered both to be impeccably charismatic and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the insurmountably dynamic and perseveringly consistent; as they considered both to be immaculately bountiful and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the stringently prudent and the unrelentingly fantasizer; as they considered both to be ubiquitously resplendent and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the incomprehensibly splurging and the timidly abstemious; as they considered both to be vivaciously bouncing and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the voluptuous rose and the acrimonious thorn; as they considered both to be philanthropically swaying
and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the majestically powerful and the scraggily impoverished; as they considered both to be beautifully synergistic and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the fathomless clouds and the inconspicuous granules of mud; as they considered both to be magnetically bonding and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the brutally maimed and the robustly bouncing; as they considered both to be royally gyrating and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the regally silken and the inherently pointed; as they considered both to be ingratiatingly mystical and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the haplessly blinded and dazzling Sunshine; as they considered both to be impeccably egalitarian and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the triumphantly jubilant and miserably defeated; as they considered both to be blissful equal and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the vivacious rainbow and silent stones; as they considered both to be God’s mesmerizing creation and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the American slang and rustically indigenous; as they considered both to be ecumenically vibrant and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the unshakably powerful Politician and the unfortunately struggling poor man; as they considered both to be fantastically surviving and alike,
For them; there was simply no difference between the enchantingly breathing and the wholesomely dead; as they considered both to be nature’s inevitability and alike,
O! yes; for they were none other than the most Omnipotently honest form of the Lord divine; they were none other than unconquerable fortresses of everlasting honesty; they were none other than the innocent child’s newly born eyes.
The doll composed of fantastically embellished plastic; insensitively smiled all day and night; even when the planet outside was being brutally lambasted and indiscriminately pulverized,
But true happiness was the one that radiated from the pristine lips of my
newborn daughter; which was as Omnipotent as the first rays of the unassailably golden Sun.
The doll composed of spell-bindingly opulent plastic; spuriously wore the
most luxurious of frocks all day and night; even when countless organisms haplessly shivered in fetid realms of the abhorrently orphaned dustbin,
But true royalty eternally blossomed from the altruistic skin of my newborn daughter; which was as invincible as the fabric of symbiotic existence on this fathomless planet.
The doll composed of gloriously regale plastic; mechanically sang all day and night; even as boundless infants were prematurely killed in the womb of their mothers; for ostensibly no fault of theirs and just because they were the girl child,
But true mischief perpetually wafted from the untainted cries of my newborn daughter; which was as impeccably divine as the sacrosanct cow’s milk.
The doll composed of resplendently fabulous plastic; remained turgidly imperturbable all day and night; even as the apocalypses of sorrow rained unrelentingly outside,
But true godliness unceasingly diffused from the unconquerable silhouette of my newborn daughter; which was as truthfully symbiotic as the crown of paradise in limitless sky.
The doll composed of charismatically shimmering plastic; baselessly fasted all day and night; even as the billions of devastated urchins outside wanted to see it boisterously dance and enchantingly play,
But true devotion was the one which emanated from my newborn daughters innocently suckling mouth; which was as pure as the first droplet of fructifying rain which harmoniously tumbled from the timeless heavens.
The doll composed of marvelously redolent plastic; nonchalantly stared in
mute silence all day and night; even as salaciously wanton parasites rampantly extricated blood from innocent beings outside,
But true courage brilliantly sparkled from the infallible eyes of my newborn
daughter; which was as everlasting as every ingredient of peerless righteousness in the vividly bountiful atmosphere.
The doll composed of stupendously contemporary plastic; bombastically adorned an unending cornucopia of diamonds and silver all day and night; even as innumerable beggars counted their last puff of breath; unfortunately outside,
But true aristocracy profusely drooled from the fearlessly cavorting eyelashes of my newborn daughter; which was as pricelessly inimitable as the peaks of the unfathomably indomitable Everest.
The doll composed of unbelievably environment friendly plastic; inanely snored all day and night; even as endless innocent were cannibalistically devoured in the coffins of disdainfully decrepit prejudice,
But true life spawned from the indefatigably exploring persona of my newborn
daughter; which was as eclectically astounding as the iridescently euphoric rainbows in the blessedly effulgent cosmos.
And the doll composed of gorgeously perfumed plastic; artificially kissed the bed all day and night; even as virtually every organism around it helplessly wailed in the mortuaries of ghastly hell,
But true love sprouted from the immortal heartbeats of my newborn daughter; which were as Omnipresently united as the religion of ubiquitously endowing humanity
The End .