Will this bring hell or happiness?
I became so damaged at such a young age
What I thought was beautiful, real and everlasting only crushed my heart
From my own parents I saw that all that so called “love” goes away
These arms hesitate to embrace the opposite sex
My lips don’t dare to touch another’s
A cycle would just be created
I would be reliving their story
Instead I busy myself with other things
Relationships and all that type of stuff don’t interest me……
I don’t need any of it right?
But the truth is I do and shamelessly crave someone else’s love
Every time my heart screams out to get closer to him, the strings attached to me refuse to let me
The smile on my face can’t stay plastered there for much longer
I can’t take it anymore
There is nothing to be cheerful about
For however long, I must continue to hide my desires
One person can only be depended on
It is my self
That is what this world has taught me
There is always an expiration date
What makes “love” different?
All of it gets thrown away
So let me continue to put on this show
Eventually they will disregard me
Knowing that “loving” me is useless
It does cross my mind though, what if someone’s heart can be trusted?
Questions like these make me believe differently about “love’
I secretly want it
This shell is a tough one I put on
Forgive me for being this way
Sorry if this goes all against for what you believe
You would understand if you seen and heard what I have
Purposely I will make myself unappealing
I will mask my true self and not reveal the truth about me
Help me for I am torn by two sides of my own self
Can you see the real me at first glance?
I am asking you to pull me out of this
Love me, truly love me
With my own hands I can’t get rid of these strings
This loneliness is suffocating
It’s getting harder and harder to breathe