Why are you so UGH!
Dear teacher,
why must you rush through the lesson
us students learn nothing.
Dear teacher,
reading directly from the powerpoint teaches us nothing.
Dear teacher,
you suck.
Dear teacher,
giving us a study guide and then not including half of it on the test is ridiculous.
thanks for nothing. again you suck.
Dear teacher,
You confuse me and everyone else.
Dear teacher,
I shouldn't have to teach myself the lesson, you are the TEACHER for a reason,
TEACH me the lesson so I can UNDERSTAND.
Dear teacher,
did I mention you're an idiot?
Dear teacher,
none of us know what you are talking about so why don't you explain it better?
Dear teacher,
I hate your guts.
Dear teacher,
you are awesome.
Dear teacher,
why can't you be in my family?
Dear teacher,
you remind me of an old friend.
Dear teacher,
I can understand your lecture.
thanks for the clarification.
Dear teacher,
you actually teach. I like that.
Dear teacher,
everything on the study guide is written on the test.
thank you for that.
Dear teacher,
you're the best.