

Who am I?

Who are you to ask?

And yet, who am I to answer?

Who am I?

I am a dreamer, so I say

One who lives on empty hopes

One who lives in self created images

And yet there is more.

I am a student as well, so they say

I am enrolled in High School

as well as a college

soon to be two in fact

I study day by day

and still there is more.

I am an American, so I claim

Born and raised on US soil

Child of a US soldier

But there is one more thing.

 I am a human, so it is claimed

full of mistakes

full of goals

full of dreams

full of questions abot who I really am

Despite what is claimed or told to me

But still.

Who am I?

Who are you to ask?

Who are you to tell me?

Who amI to tell you?

Who am I to ask?

Who am I?


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