When It Hit Me
Perspiration and butterflies
Trembles of anxiety
Drowning in blue with tangled chords-- annoying
Heavy metal hung around my clammy skin
Its band the color of blue too-- matching my polish-- matching my gown
And a million people are here, surely
Screaming, clapping, activating their prohibited noise makers
This is nothing like graduating kindergarten.
Suddenly we all file out like rehearsed-- waving goodbye to our adoring fans
Tables line the backroom with labels “A-M” and so forth
As staff disorderly hand us our envelopes
It’s small.
The paper is smaller than I pictured
Yet its perfect fit in the holder is satisfying
After, I take pictures with self-made paparazzi
Then go out the designated door
Straight into my panda’s arms
So warm and cuddly
His lethal hug proof he’s extremely proud of me
More than my parents, but that’s fine
Then it hits with weight equaling that of feathers that are bricks in disguise.
Just within the span of two weeks
I finished high school and college
In my hands I hold my diploma and in a few weeks my degree too
Holy shit-- I’m going into university with 61 credits and a waiver out of first year seminar
If I ever were daddy’s little girl, this is the moment where I no longer would be.