What Your ID?
Whats Your ID?
No not the card in you wallet or purse.
But your...
InDivuality,Independent Decison, Indivaul Destiny you get the IDea
Its not how social medis veiws you or what the ratings say
but how
you view your self indpendenlty
Its also not the
Mask you hide behind because your to afraid its the preson ont he thats crying for help but they ve been buried so far down that they cant be seen or heard anymore the wallthey built around their true sellf has contained them and has brainwashed them from even knowing that they werent being their true IDentity
But hopefully onefay theyll have a friend that saw through that wall and saw that they werent acting themselves
and after that person finally helps them break down those barriers they finally understand who they really are
then because of their story they start telling their story.
SO i ask agian Whats YOUR ID?
I just told you how I found mine now go find Yours.