What. It. Gives.....
To add to the last,
I had to make a first.
I'm a man of my word,
So to all the cute girls...I'm not in need of thirst.
Or am I????
But I gave you that thought.
Now I have you thinking,
Imagine if the world worlds could total massive thinkings.
By massive thinkings I'm only saying imagination,
Not donmination (Sorry...pronouced it like spongebob).
You could forget vacations,
And start giving implications.
Ok Ok,
You gave your time and your energy to a useless cause.
If I was wrong...maybe we could call it a draw,
But since I'm sleepy maybe we can call it.....,
O....You thought I was going to make another reference?? Na
Still here.....Well maybe I can you all to sleep,
Follow me and try not to repeat.
Every word you read is one you speak,
But if you say them out loud then it's mean the connection between your frontal lobe, and cerebellum is wink.......I don't really know that but *Wink*
#ItGivesNothing #ButItTakesAll