What It Feels Like to Dream
*Dear Amelia Earhart,
Before you knew you’d have the chance
did you ever dream about the skies and
what it felt like to fly?
#Dear Wilbur Wright,
Before you knew it would happen,
Did you ever dream about
the feeling you’d feel when your feet
left the ground?
+Dear Orville Wright,
Before you knew it was possible,
did you ever dream about the day
you could fly away?
Did you ever hope it felt anything like love,
and that your heart would soar?
*Did you ever think letting go
was worth going up?
#And that the air felt
anything like holding
hands in the dark, because
you might be scared but it’ll be okay?
+Or that risks were worth it,
because in the end you had
what you wanted?
When the wind whipped across your
face and you didn’t care what happened
anymore because you got what you’d
been searching for,
*Did it seem okay to get lost
because no matter what
you knew where you were?
#Did it seem okay to take
your chances because,
whatever happened,
in the end, you were
+Did you know that even if
it didn’t work, it’d be okay
because you tried?
And now you know what it feels like to fly.