What am I
I am from cells, built together to make my mother’s uterus,
If I wasn’t supposed to come out, then how did I,
Should I have, or was this a plan of gods,
Is it my air to take in, or someone else, should I have stopped when I came out,
Is it a blessing, thus meant to be, or is it a curse that I came out of the wrong body of cells,
Does this encourage my faith, or diminish it,
One would say joy, but when I look back, it leaves to wonder,
Faith is a mystery, when I think I know, do I know,
How can I be sure, am I being tested, or is their simply no point,
There are 24 hours in a day,
1 is faith, 10 is sight, 5 is a new world, 8 is anything,
When will I be tested, how can I know, who can I trust,
Who am I, who is anyone, who is he or she or it,
Is it there, is it my mind playing tricks again,
Regardless, there are 24 hours in a day,
By others, I smile,
At homeland I work then cry, or cry then work,
Endless cycles of sorrow that fades the glimmers from the day,
Hinduism, Christianity, or neither,
Am I being tested again, who, when, were, and why, I think to myself,
Words and cells from homeland has inflated me into sorrow,
Outside that realm, I smile, does it mean I’m happy,
The answer is NO,
There is no point if there is no after, and if there is after, than why do I continue,
We only continue for the ifs,
Why do I put on a brave face every day, why do I put myself through such misery,
If God really exists, I wonder why he does this to me, why not a answer, instead of confusion,
It’s easier to not believe, and continue, but there will be an end, and at that point I will pray,
My mask covers what you see from me,
Are you seeing me, a servant, a prisoner, or are you seeing Himesh?
Expressed by: Himesh Bharatkumar Patel