Welcome to the United States
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Amerikkka- That’s spelled with three K’s.
I pledge allegiance to the flag
that hides lynchings and crusades behind “God hates fags”
I pledge allegiance to the death of “them here islamics”.
Drop a few bombs? better make them atomic.
I pledge allegiance to the supremacist society that keeps our whites beating their reds until they are blue.
The country that uses me as a tool.
The country that should at least have enough food...
I pledge allegiance to Columbus Day- and the pillaging of my people-
Before the fifth of May.
The land of the free
... Unless you’re a gay.
I pledge allegiance to death row,
the oppression of minorities, and yes, Jim Crow.
“Obama is a terrorist, Don’t you know?”
Enslave us, then force us into ‘Da ghetto’.
I pledge allegiance to the death of those damn thugs,
“just go get a job, just stop doing drugs!”
Liberals are indoctrinating our children and making them dumb!
Take away their food stamps, but don’t touch our guns.
I pledge allegiance every 28 hours
So many deaths, there’s not enough flowers
I pledge to remember to not wear a hood
because one day that gunshot could get me for good
I pledge to the white guys who wrote the constitution,
making it so easy to tear down this institution
Brown V. Board, Roe V. Wade
Someday a more perfect union will be made