We Dont Even Care About US
This school was created for US
They were ment to serve our needs as blacks
Now you tell me I'm not good enough
I'll never be equal
I'll always have to work harder, be better
Aren't you suppose to encourage me for the better?
Why not help build me up?
Let me guess you just dont give a fuck ?
Class is always cancelled, but you want me to go out my way?
Teachers are suppose to care about education
I care but why dont you
I'm a senior in college and I had to change my major
---cause I can't keep fucking with you
Your not the only one, but your a starter
The whole department is fucked up
I've sat in class and listened to teachers sexapade
What the fuck am I paying for?
What am I striving for ?
I learned more about life than books at my HBCU
I learned do nobody owe you shit & nobody wants to see you prosper
Why do you care though?
Why are you still here?
Im not paying 16,000 a year to be babysat
Im tired of this shit I just wanna get my degree and help those same kids out like me
Some of us care about our education & as a teacher you should too
Its more than passing test
If I had of stayed with you, I would graduate next year
But when I graduate I would be what white people would exspect
A little black girl went to a HBCU and didnt learn shit
Now I'm learning and studying for retaintnment
---all the shit you thought I couldnt do
All I needed was inspiration, maybe just encouraging words
When I began teaching, I'll be nothing like you