A Verse Forbidding Mourning
great people die by making no fuss,
ordinary people cry and make out fuss,
but let us not make any of the either,
No flood of tears too.
Earthquakes bring up destruction,
and men calculate deaths,
fast movements of the planets,
though it is great it is innocent.
ordinary lovers cannot accept and admit absences,
but our ♥ is refined,
and we do not know what it is for ourselves,
we have faith for each other and dont believe physically.
our two souls are one,
because of this we dont suffer a breach,
but its an expansion like how gold expands,
we are stiff like a compass,
you my lady your soul should not move for you must be in the centre,
while i roam,
we should move on a circular path than on a straight one,
since it is that which makes us complete and one too.