Use your senses!
Do you want to believe?
Do you hear the way she screams
as he rips the dress from her pure beautiful skin.
Leaving her underwear at her ankle;
her dignity on the pavement;
and taking her purity along with him.
Do you want to believe?
Do you see the bruises on her skin?
The poorly disguised
black, blue, red marks
that somehow highlights the
pain in her eyes.
Do you want to believe?
Do you smell the alcohol on her breath?
Her way of coping with the burdens
of being a single mother,
working two jobs, raising three kids,
so she has no time to stop and think.
Do you want to believe?
Do you taste the light,
fluffiness of freshly baked bread?
Flawless and beautiful because she spends
so much time in the kitchen,
because the world has
somehow found a way to make
vagina and housewife synonymous.
Do you want to believe?
Do you feel the burden
of being a woman in a man's world?
Can you sense the difference in the way
we view a woman in a high place
compared to a man?
why must we worship the successful woman
as if it is something so out of the ordinary?
we might want to believe that when we
see those in high places being celebrated
that it is an accomplishment
but it is an insult as it implies
that she is somehow a rarity.
That women are not meant to be on top
and the few that do should be revered.
we need to stop using our senses to merely observe
and turn them into weapons that can be used to
fight the insensitivity that society has towards women
we need to see that there are women
fighting to survive Afghanistan
we need to hear the cries of those in abusive relationships
we need to feel the pain of our sisters
who are being mutilated in parts of Africa
we need to taste what those who are hungry
are being forced to eat
and smell the blood of the lives lost
all because we weren't about to use our senses.