untitled 1/16/24

Tue, 01/16/2024 - 22:06 -- yrujia


i feel like i look god in the eye everyday

and he rejects me instantly

what you haven’t done still tells people who i am


it’s easy to sing a folk song

you hear so often

i am that folk song

change, i will over time, tell my story


i want to quit what i hadn’t known was bad

i have to, i need to see her smile again

but i will never be who i was that day


dear time, it took me away quicker than you could

i loved you dearly, but she wanted me more

i’m sorry, i love you too,

she won’t let go of my hand


did you find what you were looking for?

i don’t know what i was looking for

or that i ever was looking,

i just wanted a place to call mine


This poem is about: 
Our world


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