Two Years, Two Rivers, Two of Me
Dear former self,
I’m writing you from the other side of that place
Where the two rivers meet
You haven’t seen it with your earthly eyes
But have with your soul
You haven’t a memory of it
But you will remember it
When you feel it
Both rivers roll, mightily
One, a deep pulsating brown, the warm tone of your mother’s eyes
The other, a murky and majestic black, the infinite color of hollowness
The color of struggle
The two rivers play a symphony that can only be heard if felt
Two years and you’ll see what I see
And feel what I feel.
You are a missionary
You are ready
You are a little prideful
And arrogant
You believed you were invincible, and unstoppable, that for you anything could come easily
You put on your black name tag
On it are two names: the name of your family
And the name of your God.
You are here in this strange land out of love
and compassion for others
You want to help and teach others in this strange land how to love
And be loved
To help them write the name of their God
In their hearts
Easily was a word so easily uttered
Now that you are here you see that it is vile
And devastating
And profane
And humiliating
A taboo
A deception
A lie that spawned from the Leviathan’s bitter, fiery tongue
A lie from the abyss of the blackness
From the depths of the darkest of all rivers
The depths of the black river swallow you up
You understand not a word spoken by others around you
Because your language was taken
The natives despise you because you cannot speak to them
They throw rocks at you
Spit on you
Slam door after door in your face
When the only thing you want is to love them
With all the love you can
But you can’t
You hate them
For rejecting you because of the way you talk
For rejecting you because of the color of your skin
For rejecting your God, who you know
Can help them be born again
For rejecting you
Dear former self:
Forget about yourself and work
And sweat
It does not matter the way you talk
It does not matter the color of your skin
Do not let love be drowned by hate and good by evil
Learn to speak their language
Learn to love them
for who they are
Learn to forgive them
And their offenses and their slurs and their slanders
You are the one that must be born again
Forget yourself
Before you can reap
You must sow
Before you can reach
You must grow
Before you can see
You must know
That nothing comes easily
The black river of struggle will test you
But you will make it to the brown
You will learn to love those who reject you
Only then will they love you
And accept you for who you are
And what you believe
Dear former self.
I am here now, between the rivers.
Two years and you will see what I am seeing.
And feel what I am feeling.
The place where the two rivers meet
Is where you will feel true
And go through just enough struggle
To push you
To test you
To help you
Remember that the only way to move forward
Is by staying between the rivers
In the place
Where the two rivers meet.