The Twins
"Hey it's the twins!"
We have our own names
I kept telling people
But nobody knew us by them
I hated it
I couldn't stand being identical
"No, I'm Courtney..."
They'd apologize
I know I'm my own person
But it didn't occur to me until I turned 16
It wasn't her fault
We just happened to look the same
A best friend
An annoying sister
Always in your buisness
Always having your back
Going through the same things
At the same time
I didn't realize how lucky I was
I've always been 'Courtney'
But I've also always been 'Keiley's sister'
And 'the other twin' too
I don't resent our similarities anymore
I miss seeing her
Now states apart at college
Seeing each other on the holidays
Occasional phone calls
Catching up
It makes me miss being 'the twins' daily
It makes me miss seeing my best friend every morning
She is my rock
Unwavering support holding me up
When times are good
Or when times are rough
My inspiration to work harder
To get good grades like her
To become just as passionate about my future as her
Yes, I'm Courtney
But instead of being just Courtney
I want to be some Keiley too