On the outside you laugh and you smile
you pretend to be happy
you tell me your fine
tell them that everything is alright
but it is not
on the inside you are really dying
your emotions are just trying to escape
but they cannot
because you will continue to burry them
burry them under so many happier thoughts
under memories you made just trying to forget
you will burry them until they cannot breathe
then what
will they finally dissapear
will they leave you alone
maybe even let you be happy
no because you cannot
you can never be happy
not with all the things you have buried inside
building up until they begin to suffocate
eventually they will explode and come out gasping for air
then everyone will know the truth
all the feelings you have hidden
all the secrets
the lies
the pain
the guilt
all of the things that you wanted to forget
it will all come out and then what
then will you be able to live freely
of course not becuase you now will hold the weight of your unsaid words
you will never be free
because oddly enough
the truth can be the worst burden of all