The True Story of the Revolution Against the Ordinary Told in Bad Limericks
There once was a group of friends,
The rules… yeah, they would bends;
Awkward and silly,
They’d laugh wily nilly,
But that is not where this poem ends…
The first is a girl named Hannah;
Who drew a fine panorama;
The colors were great!
The paint wouldn’t take!!
This last line rhymes with banana.
There once was a girl named Ryanne;
In gym she started a cryin’
“I’ve tripped on the door
I can’t run anymore!”
But everyone thought she was lying.’
Then there was a girl named Smou;
Her ninja moves were just… wow;
But she hated think,
We’d dress her in pink,
But when we insisted, she allowed.
Next is a girl named Sarah;
And her nickname was Mascara;
She gave her best shot,
To be called kumquat,
To no avail, at least in this era.
And last is a girl named Paige;
Her emotions were hard to gauge;
And although she was short,
She was quick to retort,
My poor foot has been smooshed in her rage.
Though now the girls live separate,
They are not now desperate;
They know they will see,
Each other, and me,
They are my friends, my family.
And thus ends the story of,
How we went beyond and above,
To be our own selves,
Clumsy- ninja- elves
The moral; be kind and love.