Too many gods
Too many think that they are God
Too many think that they know God
Too many think that they see God
Too many talk like they know God
Too many sins
Too many Satans
Too many prosecutors
Too many executors
Too many judges
Too many smudges
Too many think that they are right
Too many, for the wrong reasons, fight
Like there is no tomorrow
What a shame! What a sorrow!
Too many think that they know more than they know
Thank God, they can barely see the peacock and the crow
In front of their nose. The dagger behind the head is not
Under the radar. The moon sees everything. The sun is hot
For countless unexplained reasons
Both have an innocuous impact on the seasons
Too many false geniuses
To many mad scientists
Too many strange analysts
With worthless doctoral degrees
Human being is a thinking piece of meat
With unusual behaviors that meet
No coherent criterion, and at times violate
Rules, laws, theorems and the advices of the prelate.
Too many think that they are God
And few are willing to obey the commandments
Too many think that they know God
And few honestly believe in the testaments
Too many think that they know God
And they die and disappear like the smoker's puff
Too many behave like they know God
Think about the whole thing: honestly, this is playing bluff.
Copyright © April 2012, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.